Red LED Headlamp For Observing Wildlife?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 27, 2008
Is there a headlamp available with red LED's that wouldn't spook nocturnal wildlife?
I love my Petzl, but when I pick up eyeshine, the critters spook at the white light before I can get close enough to see what they are.
Instead of a flip-up diffuser, I'd be happier with a flip-up red lens, not only for nighttime wildlife identification, but to save my night vision.
Fiddler: You will find that your night vision will be way better with the dimmest red LED light you can get away with. While I use a red flip-down filter on a Petzl Tactikka, they have a new one with a built-in red LED as well as white LED's, which is more efficient. I click down the Petzl to the lowest red light that lets me do the job. You may be able to get away with sticking red adhesive tape such as builder's vapour barrier ('Typar, Tyvek') adhesive tape onto the white LED's...

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