You might get one of the last hand made M60's.As usual, I ordered a week too soon...and to top it off I forgot to use the CPF discount code.
In an email from Gene, I got the impression he's still pretty "hands on" in the production of these new M60's.
That is correct. The M60's are being produced in Idaho.
Okay, fine. Twist my arm a bit more. Time to get the M60F.
Do it ! Do it ! Do it ! :naughty:
Gene gives a CPF discount???
The Malkoff's should be called rabbits because they multiply in my house at the same rate.
what kinda discount we talkin? ive ordered 6 thus far :sigh:
Yams!! I forgot to check as well I've ordered 3 and paid shipping twice... I could have saved myself another $8.25... OK I'll calm down now... not a big deal. I was kind of hoping I'd be buying Malkoff from the Hound by now at an even lower price. I'm also waiting for that 2 mode version (no Gene hasn't mention he is even considering it), and the M30/M30F but we need a good source for hosts for them first. I need an M60 so maybe with the discount I might just pull the trigger.Yes ! I believe that the Discount Code is "CPF"