Reflector ?? Fivemega cooly/p60 Mag

Jul 2, 2008
Gainesville, Florida
Hi All,

I picked up a Fivemega 2P P60 Mag and am looking to make an engine for it. It fits P60 dropins but there is a lot more room for a bigger reflector if you skip the smaller retaining ring and oring. Does anyone know of a reflector from any of the popular sites that fits nicely in there? I'm pretty sure that it is the same head as the Cooly if that helps.

If no one has any ideas then I'm about ready to get a variety of 35-40mm reflectors and see what I can work out.

Not owning a FM 2P I dont know 100% what will fit but a 35mm reflector from DX wouldnt be a bad one to start with. The problem with that one though is the darn threads are M20-0.75mm and most pills are 1mm. But it can be worked if you cut down the threaded section. Another option might be the UTG/Leapers 37mm IRB-ELS037. I have used those for SF M3 heads with good success. And you can dump the garbage in the pill and add whatever your looking for.
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I just ordered the dx 35mm reflector. I think that hs the best chance of fitting the cooly. The other mentioned looks like it will need to be cut down. If nobody else chimes in beforehand I will let you know if it fits when it arrives.
Cool - I think you are looking at DX SKU 14599. It looks pretty short which is good, and if the long pill holder doesn't work for me I can cut it off. I'll be adding a copper heatsink anyway.

I was looking at fasttech SKU 1208514 which is 36.5mm, but unless the threads match up perfectly with the FM (Hah!) then it will have to be ground down. It is smooth, though and looks like it would have great throw!

pinkpanda, are you fitting your reflector into a FM cooly? Please do report back your progress!
Dan- let us know if it works!
I've got a 5mega 2p mag p60 too and the head does waste a lot of space.
I received the reflectors the other day and started modifying it to fit.... then got busy with work and other stuff and completely forgot about this thread, sorry.

The reflectors I got a really too large to try and shoe horn into a cooly.



I had to grind back the reflector to get it inside the head

P60 reflector, modded reflector and un-modded reflector

End result is the reflector still does not slide all the way in due to the inner threaded part of the cooly head (the reflector is too wide at that point). This next shot is with lens but no O-ring.


Comparison shot of what the reflector replaces


Also the threads on the reflector do not match standard P60 pills :scowl:

End result = :fail:
My DX reflectors came in, and fit exactly the same as pinklpandas, so yes, the P60 mag head = cooly. The extension at the bottom fights tightly in the head for good heat transfer, and I can fit a copperhead pill into it, so I'm going to try to make it fit with massive cutting and grinding. I'm tempted to hog out the head, but I'll not destroy such a work of art. I'll report back any progress.