Reflector jargon?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 19, 2002

Can anyone explain the above terms to me? I am trying to get a suitable carley alu reflector.
I know eliptical! Not perfectly round! (oval ?)

I think parabolic reflectors are used in spotlights to get perfect laser type beams.
I today noticed the attached Welch Allyn link to the word "reflector sizes" when I was looking at various MR11 lamp assemblies:

"Lamp reflectors are specified as Elliptical for focussed spots or Parabolic for divergent beams. Reflector sizes are refernced as MRXX where XX represents the reflector diameter in eights of an inch. e.g. Elliptical MR11 means the reflector generates a focussed spot of light and is 11/8" in diameter (~35mm)."

BTW, the W/A elliptical reflectors are available with both 6 degree and 9 degree spots.

The Carley reflectors I've bought are "parabolic - collimating". I've been a little frustrated with my inability to create a tight focus with them. I now deduce that "parabolic - collimating" means the nice close-in beam with bright corona that you have with LS's, P61's, P60's, etc. I now assume that "collimating" means a bell curve like spread of light.

I mistakenly, apparently, thought that "elliptical - refocusing" implied that variable focus spot to flood was what was meant. I now assume that this is what is needed if a long throw tight spot is desiired. I now assume, for example, that most of the Pelican reflectors are ellipitical.
Talk about ressurecting a dead thread..... Nice info there lemlux. Thanks!