Reflector of big flouresent Thor vs. 15MCP Thor?


Jan 6, 2004
Germany, Karlsruhe
I want to mod a 15MCP Thor ( this one) with a D2S HID. Unfortunatley I'm unable to find one in Germany and shipping one from the USA to Germany is WAY too expensive. Now I've found a (still a little expensive) source for the flouresent thor with the same body/reflector size. ( this one)

Now I'm wondering: Do they both have the same reflector, meaning it makes no difference which one I take for modding? Or does the flourescent one perhaps have a bigger hole for the lamp or possibly a textured reflector?

Thanks in advance for you answers!
I would imagine the whole for the tubes would be bigger in the flourescent Thor, but I have niether so I have no definite answer.
The reflector of fluorescent thor is plastic made!
I think it will melt if Hid installed!!!
Re: Reflector of big flouresent Thor vs. 15MCP Tho

The reflectors are the same size (i.e. they both go in the 15M CP body). Other than that, they are totally different. The 15M CP reflector is smooth and very shiny to get maximum throw. The flourescent reflector has many axial ridges and groves, and has a relatively dull finish to give maximum flood.

If you want flood and no throw, go with the florescent reflector. If you want a lot of throw with plenty of side spill, go with the 15M CP reflector.
Re:THOR reflectors Big florescent vs. 15MCP

I got to see JimH's Florescent Thor a few weeks back.

We didn't take it a part so I can't say if the reflector is metal or plastic.
I can tell you the reflector surfaces are quite different.
The florescent model is SATIN surfaced. All flood & no throw.
The incan units are HIGHLY polished. Flood & throw.

You will be very disappointed if you HID mod the florescent model.


That's what I get for going into the shop & not refreshing the browser.
What Jim said.
Re:THOR reflectors Big florescent vs. 15MCP

Thank you very much for all your answers, it seems that I have no other option than getting the "real" 15MCP thor from somewhere...
Re:THOR reflectors Big florescent vs. 15MCP

Don't worry about the reflectors being plastic. HID (the most common- I assume you want 35w automotive HID) is only 35watts so it doesn't use that much power or get as hot as incans. No matter how long you run it you shouldn't have to worry about any melting (35watts that is. If you try something bigger (such as 70watts) you might have to worry).
Re:THOR reflectors Big florescent vs. 15MCP

It's not the plastic I'm worring about. I need a smooth reflector because I want to get some serious throw. If I wanted flood, I wouldn't need such a big reflector :)

I'm using 35W D2S. I whish I could use 50W or 70W or even higher, but these HIDs are way more expensive than some used D2S from eBay.
Re:THOR reflectors Big florescent vs. 15MCP

What is exactly the difference between the 10MCP and the 15MCP Thor? As far as I can see, the only parts that have changed are the reflector and the big black plastic ring at the front holding the reflector. Are there any other parts that have changed?
Re:THOR reflectors Big florescent vs. 15MCP

The bulb in the 15 million CP Thor has a 130 watt bulb in it while the original has only a 90/100 watter in it.
Re:THOR reflectors Big florescent vs. 15MCP

10MCP uses a 100 watt bulb. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
15MCP uses a 130 Watt bulb. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/str.gif


Got beat to the enter button again.
Re:THOR reflectors Big florescent vs. 15MCP

I think the fuse is bigger too, ok, ok, useless post.

Unfortunately the 15 mcp uses the same size battery, so runtime is shortened. BUT IT'S A PERFECT HID MOD.

Hmm, also, using the fluorescent's textured reflector could give you a "smooth" Surefire type beam. Eh, who am I kidding, it's all about throw.

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