You can change the emitter on all sandwiches from the shoppe. We use Arctic Alumina grease under the LED.
It might take some careful soldering, but, it is not that difficult to remove the LED and put another one in the way you removed it.
I do recommend a good soldering iron, magnifying glass, well lit area, panavise or equivalent, solder and solder wick.
Try to not get any flux on the perimeter as this will make the module intermittent. Removing the flux if you happen to get any on the perimiter should be done with the flat portion of dull exacto knife held parallel to the board and gently scraping the surface. This should remove any contaminants and flux if done correctly and not mar the solder tin plating.
Do not use chemical cleaners as this will dissolve the flux and leave a residue that is very very hard to get rid of.