Resident Evil Movie - Flashlight


Sep 5, 2002
Okay, I wasn't sure if this was really the correct forum for this, but part of my question does apply to LEDs, so here goes;

In Resident Evil, the saucy Latina uses a flashlight underneath the train tracks to find a wire or something. It's a cute little chrome plated number, and she uses a mouthpiece with it to hold it in her teeth. That leads me to believe that the flashlight must be very close to the dimensions of a AA minimag, as the only mouthpiece I know of for flashlights is the litebite by NiteIze.

Anybody have a clue what kind of flashlight this is? I'm buying a minimag with a slew of accessories (litebite among them) for my girlfriend, and an Opalec Newbeam for it, but I know she'd prefer this unknown flashlight if it would take a Newbeam. Does anyone know if this thing will take a Newbeam or (for my own upcoming purchase) an InReTech adapter?
The InReTech adapter will attach to most things a grain of wheat bulb will. How well it fits is a different matter. Spacing is a huge issue if you are not a master machinist with a optical grade injection molded plastics machine. There are many projects we would love to work on that would tax our machining capabilities beyond our comfort zone.

I do not know what kind of flashlight was used, but since it was Hollywood, I would not discount the possibility that it was custom built for art design reasons. If so, that flashlight could have cost the Producer $25,000 for his brother-in-law to make it. Looking at the business returns for that film, that flashlight could have cost $250,000 after the accountants got through with it. Hmmm...

InReTech is certainly compatible with all film projects and can produce solutions for any size budget. We certainly are willing to produce specialty items upon request for a percentage of the box office as measured by IMDB.
The DVD has dts right? I think I'll watch it again (I ran out of popcorn at the cinema so I didn't have all that good impression of it)


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