Results with supplements

So you created a thread telling how good your supplements are, showed how little nutrition is in modern food, tell others that their minerals are inferior, yet you would not tell what those supplements are unless in PM. hmm.....
Things to know about vitamins. Water soluble vs. fat soluble:
Water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C have the excess excreted out through urine so it's very hard to overdose on.

Fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin B6 (most B vitamins actually) stay in your system and you can overdose on them. B6 toxicity can cause neurological and sensory problems. Vitamin B6 is also dependent on vitamin b2 to break it down to absorb into your system properly. Keep this in mind if you buy a B complex vitamin supplement or one particular B vitamin. Grains in first world countries are enriched with B vitamins so for most, supplementing with B vitamins has no advantages. One exception is if you have celiac disease, are allergic to the grains enriched with B vitamins because they have gluten, and don't absorb the vitamins well which often causes disparities in some and not others (vitamin B2 deficiency and high vitamin B6). High vitamin B12 has been linked to cancer. Some vitamin types are not absorbed as easily as others. Benfotiamine absorbs better than regular vitamin B1.

Chelated minerals absorb better than regular ones.

Some other supplements good for health:

Vitacost Ginseng extract complex- each pill has a mix of different types of ginseng totaling 450 mg. Great for energy and stress. This is the highest concentration pill I've found.

Reduced glutathione- a master antioxidant. Helps against the hydrogen peroxidase antibodies of Hashimotos by converting the hydrogen peroxide to inert water. Helps prevent your body from wearing out as fast. Recycles other antioxidants like vitamin C.

COQ10- Increases energy while helping the heart.

Indole 3 Carbonol and Calcium D Glucarate- The first is made from about 2 pounds of broccoli and breaks down into DIM (helps with hormone imbalances) in the stomach, the second is extracted from about 70 lbs. of fruit. Together they basically do what the liver is supposed to be doing, clearing out toxins from your system.

Curcumin- basically turmeric about 50 times stronger in concentration. Lowers blood sugar and relieves inflammation. It's an effective replacement for Metformin for diabetics.
So you created a thread telling how good your supplements are, showed how little nutrition is in modern food, tell others that their minerals are inferior, yet you would not tell what those supplements are unless in PM. hmm.....
I wanted to know experiences from other users and share my experiences with this post. I didn't want to badmouth the products from the others, but you should compare the ingredients and dosages before deciding. I shared here above that I posted a link to the products I take on my profile…
Like Byk, I take B vits and good multi mineral supplement. Omega3 works for my joints (knees) take it religiously

Haven't been sick in years. It helps to stay clear of snotty little people
When I read Mick Jagger takes a B-12 shot every day I had already considered it to help lose weight. He looks great. He don't look a day over 112.
Then after having a case of covid I read that numerous elderly folks who had covid used it for a few weeks to bounce back. It worked. I use little to no caffiene daily.

My brother uses omegas every day KG. He agrees with your assesment. I try to eat lots of salmon and cod for mine. I tried glocosimine/ controitant for about 90 days but couldn't tell any difference. I wasn't in that much pain anyway.

One other suppliment I use on occasion is magnesium after a day of sweating heavily. It thwarts the dehydration effects. So 200mg and a packet of drip drop does the trick for me. Others I know prefer Liquid IV.
Things to know about vitamins. Water soluble vs. fat soluble:

This is important ^^
Taking a handful of vitamins on an empty stomach will just give you expensive urine and over stressed kidneys.
not good

Just remember, you can kill a plant with too much fertilizer ==== same with supplements, too much and they become toxic.
Just remember, Alcohol is a depressant.... But it can make you feel good.
Where all the Happy Drunks at? 🍺
Well I used to drink heavily and sing Swedish songs at 3 in the morning and wake up my parents and party at some with some lolis but nowadays when I drink I buy cheap Hamms or mevushal wine but before I drink too much I think hmm this money is better spent on lights because I'd rather have some bulbs or parts or batteries than an empty bottle the next day. It sure is nicer looking at a box full of tactical lights than carrying a box of glass bottles to the recycling.

I take this in the morning now. It's called B complex.
I didn't suddenly feel 20 years younger or quickly shed 20 pounds, but it does help with general moving around throughout the day. I don't grunt when getting up out of a chair anymore and my stamina is better.
I've been thinking about supplements lately, and I have to say, the results can vary. Some people swear by them, while others feel they don't make much difference. I've tried a few and found that a good supplement can help boost my energy and overall health.
Supplements are like certain prescription drugs.... You take them, they work, but because you don't feel different at all; you'll swear they do nothing for you. Meanwhile, they're quietly doing their job.
I take this as daily basic, so my body can take from this "Buffet" what he need for all the healing and recovery processes.

I take this as daily basic, so my body can take from this "Buffet" what he need for all the healing and recovery processes.

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I'd get rid of everything that says leaf and replace it with Indole 3 Carbinol. I'd get rid of anything that is fruit related and replace with Calcium D Glucarate. I'd replace inositol with 5-HTP (sometimes includes inositol). Alternatively, eat turkey. Tryptophan in turkey turns into 5-HTP which makes serotonin. Replace ashwaghanda with Vitacost Ginseng Extract Complex (450 mg per pill). Replace the 300 mg vitamin C with 500 mg tablet and L Glutathione should be taken in 250 or 500 mg, not 2 mg. Those two help your body absorb everything else through a process called the Kreb's cycle. Don't skimp on them. Citric acid is better than ascorbic acid if you can get it for vitamin C. Everything else, get a One a Day multivitamin. A powder that has everything in it will not help you. Inositol or 5-HTP helps with mood and sleep. Take before bed. Ashwaghanda is a type of ginseng. Take before exercise. The leafs and fruit stuff or Indole 3 Carbinol and Calcium D Glucarate help cleanse the liver. Take with lean healthy meals so they aren't trying to cleanse your body of fatty, sugary processed foods before they can do any good. If you combine things that give you energy with things that make you sleep, it will not work out well for you, and you're wasting your money.
I'd get rid of everything that says leaf and replace it with Indole 3 Carbinol. I'd get rid of anything that is fruit related and replace with Calcium D Glucarate. I'd replace inositol with 5-HTP (sometimes includes inositol). Alternatively, eat turkey. Tryptophan in turkey turns into 5-HTP which makes serotonin. Replace ashwaghanda with Vitacost Ginseng Extract Complex (450 mg per pill). Replace the 300 mg vitamin C with 500 mg tablet and L Glutathione should be taken in 250 or 500 mg, not 2 mg. Those two help your body absorb everything else through a process called the Kreb's cycle. Don't skimp on them. Citric acid is better than ascorbic acid if you can get it for vitamin C. Everything else, get a One a Day multivitamin. A powder that has everything in it will not help you. Inositol or 5-HTP helps with mood and sleep. Take before bed. Ashwaghanda is a type of ginseng. Take before exercise. The leafs and fruit stuff or Indole 3 Carbinol and Calcium D Glucarate help cleanse the liver. Take with lean healthy meals so they aren't trying to cleanse your body of fatty, sugary processed foods before they can do any good. If you combine things that give you energy with things that make you sleep, it will not work out well for you, and you're wasting your money.
Thank you, that's very interesting. I don't take only the Daily, but a little bit more…


Thank you, that's very interesting. I don't take only the Daily, but a little bit more…

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View attachment 66204
Wow, that's a lot. If you took the Indole 3 Carbinol, made from 2 lbs. of broccoli per pill (which breaks down cancer causing estrogens before turning into DIM) and the Calcium D Glucarate (equal to what's in about 70 lbs. of fruit per pill), you would have an effective liver cleanse. The ginseng I suggested coupled with 500 mg of Colostrum would give you all the strength and energy you need for a workout. Not sure with that many supplements if you're trying to get in shape for competitive sports or have health issues you're trying to address.
This is a friendly reminder to all that this is a discussion forum, not a place to link to your personal stores.

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