I was introduced to Aleph in a post graduate economics class about 30 years ago. The professor was pretty jazzed about the number Aleph null. He went on to try to explain the
theory of the set of Aleph numbers and I was intrigued by some numbers which made infinity seem tame and fathomable. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif I liked the looks of the character Aleph as well as the concept that was beyond my reach. For me, the Aleph numbers represent concepts beyond my limits of understanding; somewhat like infinity does. I have always liked the notion of symbols beyond ones limitations as they can serve to remind onself of the arbitrary limits one has and that these limits can always be pushed, set further or what have you.
I figured Aleph would be a good name for a series of lights, still unknown and hopefully resulting from pushing my own limits to new levels. The Aleph numbers are a set of related numbers that are not well known or understood. The Aleph set of flashlights are a set of flashlights that are not well known or understood. Although there is a rational progression from Alepn null to Aleph one and on, it is beyond me and as it has turned out, the progression of the names of the Aleph lights is perhaps based on a rational sequence but in retrospect it is also beyond me as well. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif
I was after a unique name that was capable of expansion as well as a certain air of mystery and challenging by nature; as these lights have been for me. It would seem that mathmaticians can map beyond infinity. When you take an Aleph light or any light for that matter, point it towards the heavens and let loose a stream of photons, consider how far those photons might go! It's mind boggling!
I think the Aleph set of numbers are cool and because I don't understand them, what better set of symbols for some lights that I think are cool which I also don't really understand! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif
Now, to the question posed in this thread, I am no longer sure. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif (EDIT: to the best of my recollection, Bart is right and that is certainly no surprise! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif)