Ring Indicator: Something That Stays Lit Until I Turn it Off


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 4, 2007
Hudson Valley
As I will myself to steer clear of the "For Sale" sections (both due to limited wallet and limited storage space), I am on the quest for a unique telecom product; and, knowing the great minds here at CPF, I am hoping someone has an idea.

Many caller ID products out there have small LEDs which remain steady or even blink when a new call comes in. I want something bigger and brighter, and I know that there must be a way to make it happen without spending an arm and a leg.

The idea goes like this:

1) A phone call comes in
2) Some sort of device plugs in via RJ-11 jack
3) A 12V LED, 24V LED, or even AC 120V lamp gets switched on via relay
4) The device remains lit/active until I flip a switch/push a button turning it off

I can find many devices which will flash in synchronization with the cadence of the phone ringing.

I am trying to find something which will trigger the device to remain on until I toggle it back off.

1) Does anyone here know of such a device?
2) Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I would settle for someone saying "Buy this part and this part and this part" and then I can find someone to assemble it.

For example, this device looks close to what I want; however, I have no idea how to reset the state when I want to turn the light/lamp/LED back off.
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