A few days ago I was looking at these LED flares.
My friend has a couple of TurboFlares. They appear to be a good economy model. One mode, rotating presentation, 4xAA. 8" diameter, 2" tall, floats. Red, amber, orange, green, white, blue LEDs (choose one), yellow case. 20 LEDs. One mode. Water resistant, floats. (also available in C and AAA cell models). 88 hours on 4xAA.
The PowerFlares are smaller and have many modes, colors of case, colors of LED (choose at time of purchase). A deluxe edition. There was a dealer across the aisle from me at one hamfest selling them. When business was slow he would throw one hard against the thinly carpeted concrete floor and it would bounce higher than his head. Kept working just fine. Appears to be well made and many featured. Uses a single CR123A battery. 4.25" diameter, 1.25" tall, 6 oz, waterproof to 300 feet. Red, blue, amber, green, white, IR LEDs available. Yellow, red, olive cases available. 16 LEDs (all one color). 9 modes including a flashlight mode (2 LEDs lit), and the all-important SOS... 100 hours on 1xCR123A.
Both are available on eBay, and rated to be run over by trucks. Both available in rechargeable configurations.
Powerflare has a video of one strapped to a suitcase with 2 pounds of high explosives. It survived the explosion and worked. Pretty tough device.
In CPF tradition I ordered both.
-- Alan