ROP with smooth reflector?


Mar 25, 2008
Has anyone used this set up? Is at an ugly beam pattern? I have a smooth metal reflector that has the exact size opening for a ROP bulb I want to put to good use and am thinking about building a ROP with it. Would this be a good idea or should I try a different bulb and bore out the opening?
its using it..not the prettiest beam youve ever seen, but it does the job.

although..... lately ive been thinking of switching to a MOP just to see the difference.

I'm currently using the MOP after my stock reflector went soft while I was testing it
the beam looks unusually close to Quickbeams's 1MCP review
A slightly enlongated hoyspot [not really elliptical] and a wide variety of unusual coronal artifacts
It's ringy and you can see the filament.

I went with LOP and it was enough to get rid of the rings but you can still kinda see the filament. To me it's the best compromise between getting max throw and beam cleanliness.
Is the throw much farther with a smooth reflector? At this point I have a few lights with either stipple or orange peel so I guess I'm wondering what would be the best bulb for the smooth reflector, I'm leaning towards ROP because it's cheap and easy and I have most of the parts on hand.
Is the throw much farther with a smooth reflector? At this point I have a few lights with either stipple or orange peel so I guess I'm wondering what would be the best bulb for the smooth reflector, I'm leaning towards ROP because it's cheap and easy and I have most of the parts on hand.

If you want a clean beam with a smooth reflector you'll need to use an LED. With a bulb you'll always have some artifacts. Going with light stip or OP will get rid of rings most of the time. But then you still have the problem of the filament. In real use the filament with high power isn't a problem because you won't be looking at the beam at a close enough scenario and not be blinded.

You'll most likely be outside shining it around and at 30ft away I don't think you'll go "Oh gee look at that I can see the filament's artifact what a bummer, now I can't enjoy my camping trip". Lights of high power should be used/played with outside and not indoors on some wall. Which means getting rid of rings is the primary concern.
Thanks for the link, the pics make me think that the beam really won't be that bad
Thanks for the link, the pics make me think that the beam really won't be that bad

The brighter the bulb, the more it tends to overcomes artifacts and the less the remaining artifacts even matter.

With regards to the link posted above with beamshots on the wall, keep in mind that over exposing the image tends to make them look better. I'm not saying that the pics were taken that way intentionally, they're good beamshots. They just won't reveal any detail within the beam. I would say that they both look better that what actually happens in real life but the combination is still perfectly usable.

My personal opinion among common hotwires is that mag11 looks the best with the a smooth reflector but it's also producing more light.
I built a ROP right when I started this crazy obsession about four months ago due to Crenshaw's suggestion I think...Once I built it, my grandfather saw it, he is an old farmer in Mississippi, he thought is was the coolest thing ever so I gave it to him. He goes out on walks all the time plus he lives in the country so he will frequently use/need something this powerful. I loaded it up too, it has Kiu's VL bezel with glow and a bust-a-cap on the bottom. He just grinned and grinned when he fired it up the first time...

SO now on to my new ROP with smooth reflector!