Run-Time Plot - Lightwave 4000

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Farewell our Curmudgeon Administrator
Apr 14, 2002
Granbury, Tx USA
This runtime plot is for a Lightwave 4000 flashlight with 10 leds and three Duracell Alkaline D cell batteries. At the end of 120 hours of constant operation, the LW 4000 was still generating enough light to light up a wall 6 feet away!

Equipment used is a photocell and a Radio Shack 22-805 multimeter with a PC interface that is using ScopeView software (V 1.08).

The vertical axis is in MA and the horziontal axis is 1.5 hours per division for the top plot and 6 hours per division for the bottom plot. This plot ran for five days.

Be aware that your actual battery mileage may vary from that indicated by this runtime plot.

Even if you apply the unofficial "time to half-brightness" rule, than would give approx 2 days continuous "useable" output. But since I have no first-hand experience with this one, Roy, how is the brightness after a day or so, would you consider it usable? This would be a good one for the "fallout shelter" that I am constructing.

At the end of five days of continuous use, I could see it on a wall six feet away in a simi-dark room. It will not stand on it's tail as there is a laynard loop on the tail cap. This is a light to use when you need a light for hours at a and rescue, power outages, car wrecks, or worst case, weather related outages (days at a time). If you're going to put it in a shelter, I would not keep batteries in it, but stored with it.


Let me clear that up a bit! At the end of the test I shown it on a wall about six feet away and could see the center of the beam pattern on the wall. The room was not dark but was partially lit. BTW, I ended the plot because I got tired of it hogging the computer...figured five days was enough!


Ambient light level during a test is about 0.010ma from the photocell.
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