Re: Runtime Plot for Maglight 3D - surprise, surpr
greenLED said:
3rd_shift said:
magg recommends against using rechargeables for some wierd reason.
Every magg I ever used rechargeable nimhs and nicads in has had no problems at all.
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In theory, that's because you're running the bulb at slightly lower voltage than they're rated for. This creates problems with the bulb (not all metal vapors resettle on the filament, IIRC) and reduces bulb life. I am not so sure it really matters for the lower-output Mag's bulbs. For example, I ran a 4D Mag on NiCads daily for 4 years and never had a bulb blow. I've swithched to NiMH now, and although my 4D doesn't see as much use anymore, I'm still on the same bulb. Maybe it's more of a problem in "real" HOLA's? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif
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I was at fry's the other day looking for a xenon bulb to upgrade my stock mag 3d and I noticed the same thing as well. I used it in my mag with nimh batteries anyway and it worked fine. When I first saw the warning label, I thought maybe they meant you're not supposed to use it in a mag rechargeable. i.e. Mag charger. It's just a guess. But then again, they use different type bulb.