"Saber" Portable Green Laser--New??


Newly Enlightened
Aug 2, 2008

My first post here.

I want to buy a high power green laser (at least 25 mW). Before this post I read a number of threads on brands as well as safety issues.

Among various retailers from Laserglow, Wicked Laser etc. I found a model called the "Saber" Portable Green laser sold at Edmund Scientific for powers of 25, 50 and 75 mW. Has anyone heard of this brand? It has a 400 mW IR pump diode and the FDA 5 safety features.

There seem to be a number of websites returned from a Google search that sell the 25 mW version (for example) at prices ranging from $140 to $189, although there are a couple of inconsistencies such as some using C batts and others AA's. I can't figure out who the manufacturer is, or find any customer reviews on it.

If you know anything about this please share.

Thank you kindly for the help.
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I did find a laser I am happy with from a reputable supplier.

It was not likely I would have bought though Edmund for the price reason, but just wanted to see what this is.