shipping KLx's yet?


Jul 10, 2001
Bay Area - California shipping KLx\'s yet?

Anybody know if is shipping any of their KLx's yet? I've tried calling 3 times, on 3 different days last week and all I got was a voicemail.

Just curious, and anxious to receive my KL1!
Re: shipping KLx\'s yet?


If you order from SF direct you should get it the next business day (after shipping) since your in CA and they ship UPS. It's just $10 more than SableCo. If you order before noon or so they usually ship the same day.

I hate it when you can't call and talk to a live person for support!
Re: shipping KLx\'s yet?

I just spoke with them. SF shipped to them on 10-03-02 and they expect to see them today.
Re: shipping KLx\'s yet?

Thanks, Jtivat.
I called Sableco today to add some other stuff to my order but all I got was the answering machine.
Where's the best place to get the 123's?---Marc
Re: shipping KLx\'s yet?

I ordered Kl1s from SableCo and from 1SKS. I haven't heard that my order has shipped from either of them.

So, yesterday I ordered one KL1 from SureFire. They said it should ship today. I should have it by next Tuesday.
Re: shipping KLx\'s yet?

It's three days later and I still haven't been able to get Sableco on the phone. Does anybody know a phone number over there where you can get a person. I get the feeling (after leaving 3 phone messages) that there must be another phone number.---Marc
Re: shipping KLx\'s yet?

Nope, no other number that I know of. I have over $1000 of goodies on order with them. They're swamped, but they seem to get around to it all eventually. Keep the faith.
Re: shipping KLx\'s yet?

"I have over $1000 of goodies on order..."

This is a typo, right?
Re: shipping KLx\'s yet?

If they are swamped, what if they lose an order or misplace invoices? Kind of scary. I'm sure they are reputable but they should get more staff?
Re: shipping KLx\'s yet?

LPS got their KL-1s today and they're all spoken for.
Not sure about the KL-2 or KL-3.
Re: shipping KLx\'s yet?

Right on their website Sableco says they're a small operation and they say they're happy to be a small operation. They say they aren't always available on the phone too. Anyone that ordered should have known what the story was up front instead of questioning why they don't have 24x7 customer service. Having a bunch of people calling them asking to know where their order slip is on Sableco's desk probably doesn't help their operation.

Places have just started to get these units and if we placed an order for a KL3 we'll have to wait longer. Sit tight for a while and see what happens. Somehow I doubt many of these places have enough product in their first shipment to fill all of the backorders.
Re: shipping KLx\'s yet?

Talked to them this morning, they received KL1s and processing orders. KL3s are not in yet.

They seemed to be busy, but I could feel that they are trying very hard to do things right. I don't have any concerns.