Saft D cell Owns Cheap D cell in TIME


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2004
Lost In Space
I am testing all my LI-ION D cells.
the safts are Many years old, the "other" D cells are at least a year younger then the safts

the testing is unknown in quality, so its only comparitive to itself, the discharge is 1amp for hours on end. the charge is pulse charging, these cells have always been pulse charged all of them, the charge rate varies hugely, as it is always CV, rate starts at 3-4amps/2 and ends at around 15-30ma/2.
the storage of the cells has varied, from being full charged (and parked), to being used, to being stored properly. they each have been used/stored/charged in relative similarity.
i dont know where they were when they were new, they basically all worked about the same in lights.

Saft VL34570 4.6A
1- 4.6A
2- 4.8A
3- 4.6A

1- 4.1A
2- 4.0A
3- Dead long ago

guess which set of them is OutSourced to a country called Usa? wonder where on the map that is :D i think they spelled it wrong, mabey they meant Yusa, beings the US doesnt make Anything anymore :naughty:
i found the date, the SAFT were purchaced about 04-15-2005, the other cells were purchaced on the first group buy thing for the Ds

another test of an OLD item was a AW 17650 thing i have had for ages, back on aws first sale of them, it was still about 1300ma.
Many other Cells have since been replaced, or recycled, although many more are still working, the saft is rare in that it is working at more than 90% still.

i have all the Numbers on the blue cell, if those numbers arent enough to ID it, i think there are many other people with the blue cell, i would be interested in hearing about how they are doing too?
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i think you are writung about lion´s right?
where did you buy the saft cells?


is this dealer still active?
i think there are many flashoholicers out there who are still interesstet in the d-size saft cells!

It might have had a lot to do with the US rep, giving me the connection to the dealer, which i dont have available anymore, although i will look.

here is a similar Initial contact for germany.

make a "professional" contact with your rep, for this type of product , using professional letter conduct , If you know what i mean , tell them what you want, and be able to provide "specifications" for your "project".
and basically tell them you need protected D cells (preferably the 6A) , but in a professional way, have any specs that you know you need written down, and have them basically be within the parameters of the cell and avilable protections. (in other words dont say you want to run 20amps out of it)
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thanks for this usefull information. i will give them a try.

thanks, markus