Ok... I received my order, after placing it on Sunday, through their website. The items didn't get shipped until Tuesday, that is why I didn't get them until Wednesday (I chose UPS ground, because I live so close to them, basically any site in the same state as me (CA), is one day with ground). But they did fail to inform me that one of the items wasn't in stock... but, I called them Monday night, and that is when I found out that one item wasn't available ... I don't know how long it would of been before they tried to contact me before they sent my order. But, all in all, I saved money, I even got the new version of the E1 (S/N#A00331 for those who care) ... which I am surprised to find out is just a hair dimmer than my 3D mag ... AND THROWS AS FAR! Also, I got every Photon II color they had, that I didn't have yet, those being Turquoise, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Infrared, Green. I already have a red one. I purchased some white ones (I have one on my keychain, and I liked it so much, I purchased some more for friends). I immediately gave one to a co-worker, but she spotted the Blue ... and I must say, the blue is BEAUTIFUL! She wanted the blue... and she liked the turquoise ... also another female co-worker said she liked the blue and the turquoise! I think I will put those two on my keychain, along with the white... and maybe the red (geesh... filling up that keychain!). Oh, and I got a Baton also (S/N#002439 for those that care).
Over all I am a happy camper ... and I think I sold the VP of our department on buying some Photon II's in white for several people in our department (hehe)!
I highly recommend the BLUE!! Makes me want to ditch my white
I await the Photon III's, and the Rav'n, oh and the Expedition 14! Weee! And the E2, and the 10X ... WeeEEeeEE... SOMEBODY STOP ME! HAHA!