Re: Sanyo Cell\'s
litho123 said:
Just a the Sanyo2100's fit 4 across in a
M@g D body? If they do, maybe we should do a GB on the 2100's. I'd be in for quite a few.
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And here I thought you were a VS of Ginseng like bwaites & I am (j/k, j/k), I mean...desciple...follower /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif
I do believe they do, but Ginseng has these, does he not? (hmm, did he buy the micrometer yet? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif ). He you could always follow ensign/modaman's inaccurate? 'battery matrix' and cut out the center protective sleeve, which by mathematical proof, can be shown to gain you no further space (because a larger battery squashed together prefectly 4 across has a gap between the 4 that is larger than the diameter of the center sleeve).
I asked Mike at CBP if we could get a discount on the CBP1650ma AA, and he said unless you buy more than 1,000's, the answer was no. Who knows, 500 might change his mind, depends on where the price break is for the importer/foreign-China distributor.
Study those discharge charts however, you may get additional runtime, but you may give up a few tenths of a volt, slightly less white bright lumens output, and a steeper slope from white to dim yellow that you would with the high-current 1650ma. (yeah, yeah, I know it was said the 1650ma don't fit...but does anyone have a bright idea to alleviate this problem, something "innovative" (hehe) like the M*gChr bi-pin socket swap into the standard M*glite (which isn't exactly the greatest, or necessarily better way to get maximum lumens from a tweeked system...we need that CPF Integrating sphere spectrometer fund raiser now, don't we?)
Oops, Ginseng style 'mind fart', confused the 2 battery suppliers. But I'm not sure the wrapper on these cells corresponds to a different cell as opposed to what I see from foreign sources, or even if the wrapper is the same thickness, where talking about 0.001in. differences between fitting and not fitting. Did not fivemega have a picture with Sanyo 2100ma's, well I know he had the 2300ma with that same wrapper in his 9AA-3D adapter, same as seen in pictures here:
The Great Battery Shootout! by Dave Etchells?