Well about two weeks ago i was playing around on ebay looking for something to store my gigs and gigs (turning into terabytes) of music in FLAC format on. i had a large external hard drive in mind. but after some hard searching, i did not see anything that thrilled me, so i decided what the heck, and typed in "server" into the search bar and went through a couple of pages of results. around page three, half way down, i see an hp g2 server, in great condition with a current bid of $75.62. so im thinking to my self, "oooh yeah" :naughty: so i place a bid on that sucker of eighty something. then someone else bids once more, and then i tell myself, "no more than one hundred," but i know that this thing is going for way more than that. so i place my last bid of $97.23 on it. i wait and wait. 5 minutes remaining, my bid still up there. i win. :twothumbs i look at the page some more and look at the weight, 153 pounds!!! i then realize that because i got free shipping with this thing, it cost the guy more to ship it than what i paid for it. oh well. 2 or so days later i look it up online some more and notice that this sucker retails for over $2800!!!! What a steal!! a few more days later ups arives with an absolutly huge box on a dolly. i thank the ups guy, and bend down to try and pick the box up, FAIL. i got it maybe 5 inches off of the ground when i almost drop the thing on the ground. i set it back on the dolly and the ups guy laughs at me. i had to ask if i could use the dolly just to get the blasted thing throught the front door. after that, i manage to get it to my room and out of the box and do the little routine for setting up a computer, and i notice the dual processors (not two cores, but two 2.4ghz cpu's) and massive fans. i plug it in, and this green led comes on in the front. this thing has some bright leds. (brighter than a minimag led) so i slowly press green button only to phave my ears blown off by the massive 6000rpm fans. so i boot the thing up (still deafened) and play with the only two 10000rpm 147gb hard drives i havd for it. so now i filled those up and are getting more drives on ebay a such, and doing a RAID 1 for my music. but now, i do not know what to do with it. :candle: i know it may sound stupid, but i have a $2.8k storage solution when i could have gone to walmart to get an external hard drive instead. some time tomorow i will post some photos of this beast. so, i just wanted to share my story of my ebay "deal of the day" and see if any of you guys have any ideas of what to do with it. or should i just keep on using it for music?