Scorpion LS


Jul 13, 2001
Singapore (சிங்கப்பூர்)
Have you always wished you could turn on your Arc LS with one hand? Now you can, the SL Scorpion body fits the LS head perfectly. With a combination of 123 and AA cell, it is very bright, not to mention the advantage of the tail switch for momentary on/off.

It may not appeal to some, but I find the rubber sleeve and bigger diameter of the scorpion easier to grip.

you can drive the LS on 4.5 volts? And isn't like mixing battery types bad? or did i misunderstand you?
I think driving the LS at 4.5v is ok, but I believed mixing the batteries may not be a good move. Since the batts are all half used, it wouldn't hurt if they are damaged.

So far I am into my 2nd set of 123/AA combinations and it is running perfectly well and bright!

I recall that Peter Gransee admitted somewhere that the ARC LS regulator should handle up to 6.0 V. (In the same post he made a point of discouraging people from trying this and warned of warranty forfeiture from abuse.)

This arrangement also holds the lower risk potential to milk a 123 beyond the point where it would otherwise not be fully useable in an ARC. Maybe it would be safer to take almost spent 123's from and ARC LS or an X5 and kill them off this way. The primary low probability risk would seem to be of drawing the alkaline AA battery below 0.7 A at which point CPF'ers have said they are likely to leak.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lemlux:
I recall that Peter Gransee admitted somewhere that the ARC AA regulator should handle up to 6.0 V.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think it should be Arc-LS regulator - I'm still hoping for an Arc-AA, though

Yeah - I was the fool who overdrove his LS and got Peter to quickly issue that warning
I still really wish there were an Arc-AA in existence - I'd like the Arc-finity mod, but that would mean I'd have to buy an infinity...

oops - sorry, Xenon - I just went off-topic -AND NOW, BACK TO YOUR REGULAR PROGRAMMING