Seeking Vancouver, BC flashaholics


Nov 29, 2006
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hey all.

I've recently gone a little nuts buying lights and will likely be selling some off. One thing I always wondered about was finding locals to buy/sell from.

I've done some local stuff and it;s been great. An intersting way to meet a few fellow flashaholics and buy/sell without shipping hassles and costs (I paid $12 in shipping the other week!).

So, I'm just asking for fellow Vancouver area people to chime in here.

I think it would be nice so I know whos around. We can do some local B/S/T and share some review, experiences etc.

I've found it tough to get lights here sometimes, but when I do, it seems a shame to have to send it away again once I've finished testing it. I'd prefer to have a local share the fun!


Also, any modders? I do some modding myself, pretty fun. If I had more time, I'd build up my own flashlight.

Yo neighbour! :twothumbs

im down by Main St/ Broadway area, always up for coffee.

PM me a list of what ya got, i may be interested....particulary in that Zebralight :naughty:

Gonna keep the zebra at the moment. I have no other headlamp till my EOS's come in for modding.

I have a totally rad battery pack mod I want to try on one of them...

Heya Gunga

Ramping up to do more testing eh? Besides Gunga Din there was another movie called Magnificent Obsession. :thinking: :paypal:

Cheers, marlite
great idea this post!

I hail out of Richmond and am in Vancouver a lot.

Feel free to PM me for any lights for sale/trade. I have a small collection of SFs although I am always looking to add more to... :)

beer and nachos night soon for all Vancouver flashlight nuts! bring yer flashlights too!

lets figure out a night for this !

during the week is best for me...I get up at 0300 hours on fridays for work and 0430 hours on the weekend is out for me...

Hey guys,

maybe a tuesday during the week or something, does that work for you guys?

I can do most weeknights as long as it's bit later.

Yeah, I have about 3 other flashaholics in town I hang with on occasion. All very nice guys (of all ages!) and all quite addicted.
