Send Flashlights and Batteries to NYC


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 26, 2001
Mesa, AZ. USA
I have heard several times that they need batteries and flashlights for the rescue workers in New York. I think all CPF members can agree, this is a task custom tailored for us!

We could just donate money to the Red Cross, etc. But sending actual flashlights is even better.

The only product that I have is the Arc-AAA, but truthfully, it is a key chain flashlight and I don't think it is bright enough for peering into dark nooks and crannies in the rubble with strong flood lights all around. I would rather spend the money and send a good 3-4 LED headlamp or just a basic 3D mag. Nothing fancy just bright, uses common batteries and maybe hands free (so they can use both hands to work the rubble).

What do you think? Would some of the distributors be interested in shipping lights straight to NYC for us if we pay for them? Maybe companies like TTS, Dept Service, Bright Guy, Glow Bug, One Stop Knife Shop, Triple Aught, etc can setup special order pages where you put in your credit card and whatever you order goes straight to NYC. I would encourage the distributors to sell the product at wholesale price + shipping and handling and not make anything above their costs on it.

I can help the distributors with the address on where to send it. CPF members can help by making the purchases and deciding which light(s) to send. I would recommend that we send headlamps or large flashlights that are medium cost (no high dollar lights, a mag light or basic headlamp will do).

I know there are all sorts of charity rules and so forth. We can keep it simple. This would not be a tax deduction because the distributors are not non-profit entities. Note: Watch out for bogus charities. No money would be going to or through Arc Flashight. Your money would go the distributor you selected who would then ship your flashlight to the care of the city of New York.

What do you think? If you are a distributor or manufacturer, let us know if you would like to help out with this. If you are a CPF member, let us know what lights would be best to send, and when the time comes, visit your distributor and order those lights.

Again, I think each of us can spend our monthly flashlight allowance on a good cause this month. Also, Arc flashlight does not benefit from this in any way (except some karma I hope), I do not recommend that we send the Arc flashlights because I think they are not bright enough for this work. Remember the scene is huge piles of rubble lit with powerful flood lamps. The flashlights would be needed to eyeball the rubble up close, look down holes, work on equipment, etc.

We would need a deadline to act since they need these flashlight ASAP. Also, It would be best to send the lights en masse so they don't have to waste time opening up a lot of small packages.

Peter Gransee
Grand idea, Peter!

You can count me in.
I think the best bang for the buck would be 3D or 4D maglites since you can have more of them and they run a long time on one set of batteries. Most rechargables and lithium lights only run for an hour or so before they need either a recharge or new cells.

If you can get a dealer to organize this and have a central shipping address, please post it in this thread.
It might not be much, but we would be definately helping out. I really believe this is a great way for us CPF members to make a difference. Just think, the flashlight that you donate this week will be in the hand of a firefighter or rescue worker next week.

The rescue workers will be working that scene for probally a couple of weeks (I heard today that only 2% of the rubble has been moved so far). Still, we need to act quick. I think we could send 75 maglites by this coming Friday via FedEx.

Again, we need to act quickly! Arc Flashlight will commit to at least a couple hundred dollars (I need to check our bank account on Monday to find out how much we can send).

Do we have any distributors of the maglight who will step up to the plate? We will need several because most distributors probally don't have 75 mags in stock.

Peter Gransee
Department Services is taking on the challenge from Peter Gransee at Arc Light. We are making 3 and 4 D cell Mag-Lites and D cell batteries available AT COST. The Salvation Army here in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is about a mile from us and they are accepting non-perishable items to be sent to the New York disaster area, so there will be no cost to ship the lights. Following is ordering information:
<UL TYPE=SQUARE>Item Number WTC-3D 3 Cell D Mag-Lite $14.30
Item Number WTC-4D 4 Cell D Mag-Lite $14.75
Item Number WTC-BATT Panasonic D Cell Alkaline Battery $.78 each

You can order directly via our secure ordering website at order.

We have no cutoff date. As orders are received, we will provide the lights to the Salvation Army for delivery.

Thank you in advance, and God Bless America!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Department Services:
Department Services is taking on the challenge from Peter Gransee at Arc Light. We are making 3 and 4 D cell Mag-Lites and D cell batteries available AT COST. The Salvation Army here in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is about a mile from us and they are accepting non-perishable items to be sent to the New York disaster area, so there will be no cost to ship the lights.

We have no cutoff date. As orders are received, we will provide the lights to the Salvation Army for delivery.

Thank you in advance, and God Bless America!

Thanks John for acting so quickly. It is advantageous that your are located so close to the area and can utilize an existing charity to ship the flashlights.

To everyone: I can vouch for the reliability of John Shinkowsky and his company Department Services. He has carried our flashlights for several months and always pays his bills on time.

John at Dept. Services,

When filling in the order form, do we need to add special instructions or do these part numbers automatically designate WTC support delivery?

Thanks in advance for doing this.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>When filling in the order form, do we need to add special instructions or do these part numbers automatically designate WTC support delivery?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


The Item Numbers are specific to the CPF's Disaster Relief Project, so we will know to get the flashlights and batteries to the Salvation Army.

We are already receiving orders.
You know... I don't have much in the way of conventional (incandescent) flashlights or money, but if something like an Expedition 300 or 1400 would work, I'm sure Scott at Tektite wouldn't be too upset if I donated my test samples of them given the circumstances.
I would also part with my Trek-4000 (incandescent).
Well since I don't have any maglights to send and he is already doing it I guess I'll order from him also.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TTS:
Well since I don't have any maglights to send and he is already doing it I guess I'll order from him also.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How odd a situation this is... We have a distributor ordering from the "competition" and a manufacuturer (us) buying the "competition" so that we all might truly help out.

Here are the totals we received so far for the CPF Flashlight Project:
<UL TYPE=SQUARE>13 Mag-Lites, 3 D Cell
1 Mag-Lite, 4 D Cell
11 D Cell Batteries

[/list]I want to share with you a message we received with one of the orders:
<UL TYPE=SQUARE>"I just found out this morning I lost a cousin at the WTC...maybe this light will find her..."

John, Thanks so much for doing this.

Peter, Thanks so much for suggesting it.

I noticed the imbalance in flashlights to batteries ratio, so my order was for D cells.
Things are even now. For those of you still planning to order, don't forget the batteries.

"God bless us, everyone"
--- Tiny Tim, 19?? ---
Go Go Gadget

Well I ordered 10 lights but your right I forgot the batteries. OOPS
I ordered 2 4Ds, 2 3Ds, and 28 batteries (two fill-ups for each light). I thought at least a little bit!

Thank you, Gransee, for the idea, and thank you, Department Services, for the delivery. I've already given blood (like I do every 8 - 12 weeks anyway), and this let me help in a different way that was still special to me.
Here's the latest totals:
<UL TYPE=SQUARE>17 Mag-Lites, 3 D Cell
3 Mag-Lites, 4 D Cell
95 D Cell Batteries[/list]
John @ Department Services;
Thanks for making it so easy for even those of us with meager resources right now to help out-even if it's just some batteries and a Mag or two...
You know, I was going to chip in on this and send in some of my lights, but I had a feeling that anything I did in this respect would be too little too late-

So what I have decided is to make up a batch of "covert" type LED lights and send them to my old (Army) Ranger outfit. I have a feeling that they will get a lot more use out of them in the long run than the rescue workers would in New York.

I made my <A HREF=> FIRST LED</A> lights when I was there 26 -27 years ago, and this will have kind of a symmetry to it besides maybe helping directly to put down some of the terrorists that did this.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gransee:
How odd a situation this is... We have a distributor ordering from the "competition" and a manufacuturer (us) buying the "competition" so that we all might truly help out.


More proof that we live in the UNITED States!

Since I was out of town during the flury of ordes for the Arc AAA-XL, I'll just have to spend the money on flashlights for NY and get the Arc when the next run becomes available.