SF L1 image?


Dec 3, 2003
BisDak [Area X] ^^.PH
I came across this current ebay auction (not related to me, nor is this an endorsement).
I find the image of the L1 bezel is different to the ones that I (or we) came to know :
1 - the non-crenellated tapering towards the hex,
2 - the crenellated type
3 - and the new generation ala-KL4.

Was this image the very first versions? I presume It looks more like an E1e head (no tapering) but with an additional band.

I know that the inscription is also different (All CAPS).

Just wondering /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif
that is weird. it resembles an E series head.... Didnt surefire say that they would have a new version of the L1 out soon?

Edit: after examining that picture a bit more, I think there are 3 flat sides on it.
This looks like a "stock" photo rather than a photo of the actually product. Strange thing is that it is a stock photo of one of the L1 proto-type that never made it to production.

Here is an photo of that proto-type.

This and the image from eBay look like Ichiro Nagata photographs due to the blue and red illumation used, rather than a Shelby Chan photo.

I would assume that the seller has what is now the "old" style L1-HA-RD rather than a proto-type because it wouldn't be "brand new from the factory". Now-a-days that would mean a new (current) bezel style version but I would not assume this to be the case either.

In fact, I would not bid for this item unless the seller sent me photos of the actually item he is selling.
Thanks, Al. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif ...could be for American Hangunner?

I really like the looks of that prototype head. I wish I could have one like that /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif...just for keeps.