SF M2 Question



It's been about 2 Months since my last light purchase (an E2) and I'm having withdrawl pains. Time for something new.
My question is: Is it possible/does it make sense to have an M2 with a turbo head?

comments/sugestions are appreciated

Oh Yes!

I have the N1 Lamp Module and both the Classic 2.5" TurboHead and 3" Extended Range TurboHead for use with my black C2.

Although the M2 is Shock Isolated, there is currently no method if making the TurboHead version shock isolated.

The KT1 TurboHead Kit (Adapter, Lamp Module and 2.5" TurboHead) will be available in June/July. If you get the HA version, it'll lool far better.

There are some photos of an M2 with the new adapter, but Classic 2.5" TurboHead in one of Shelby's Galleries on www.PK-Engineering.com.

The N1 beam is very tight, and far better than the P60 at longer range illumination. However, the N2 and MN15/16 Lamps for the M3T are far brighter. I would suggest you try before you buy...

Thanx for the info. What is the quality/shape of the M3T beam. I've heard the M3 beam is kinda oval, is this true of the M3T?
How long does it take to switch between the standard bezel and a turbo head? Also, what is the change time for bulbs in surefires?
The N2 Lamp has a very round beam.

It takes maybe 20-30 seconds to swap bezels or lamps. If that. Fast.

The M3T MN15/16 bulbs are the same as the MN10/11 bulbs but on a longer mount for the TurboHead. As such, the beams would be similar shapes don't you think?
