SF U2 complete disassembly

I'd sure like to hear any tips about getting this thing apart. So far all I've managed to do is break a strap wrench.

I just want to get the bezel ring off so I can clean all the dust off of the reflector and the inside of the lens. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif

There is an earlier thread with pictures of the head of the U2 disassembled, but despite various search strategies, I haven't been able to find it again /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif.

I would be interested in knowing too, since I will eventually probably replace the emitter in mine with the nicest I can find...
Blinded said:

I would be interested in knowing too, since I will eventually probably replace the emitter in mine with the nicest I can find...

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats what I had in Mind
Unless you are lucky enough to get one that isn't assembled with SF's "liquid weld", I think you have a good chance of destruction and not disassembly! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif Good Luck!
'liquid weld'? reminds me of the fun i had with my PM6 tailcap (xenon, black) ... maybe an indicator for 'throw away' lights?
I did use a vice and a pair of channel locks with strips of rubber wrapped several times around the head to brake it lose to unfocused and try to get rid of the donut. That is exactly what it did - unfocused the light beam. So here I am considering changing the emitter if I can figure out what I need and how to do it.

looks easy enough. Perhaps you could raise/lower the emitter somehow to get optimal focus.
Good job, Chucky! In answer to your earlier question, the VYOT Lux V mentioned ought to fit in your U2 (after you pop the emitter itself off the star).

Positioning the new emitter might be tricky. You might want to reference some of the information on building light engines for the Aleph lights to get an idea of the issues and procedures involved in placing the emitter.

Please keep us posted on your progress. I would also like to see a close-up of the emitter in the U2 if you can swing it.
Chucky, if i understand the problem you are having correctly, it should be quite simple to fix. All you have to do is back the bezel out a little bit, and then throw an o-ring over it for water resistant sealing. And the donut hole you are experiencing should dissappear.
or move the luxeon backwards some. Like perhaps turn/screw that part that holds it in down more?
I did try the trick with the bigger o ring and it did make most of the donut go away but it just unfocussed the light beam and the rest of the light pattern looks like $hit. Also the reflector holds the emitter in place and my whole emitter board was rattling around inside.
Thanks for the close-up chucky. Any plans to replace that emitter soon?

Others have said that the donut hole goes hand-in-hand with a LuxV well focused, so you might not get much improvement there. Both of the U2s I've used have a faint null in the middle, but you probably wouldn't notice it unless you were looking for it.
chucky, why are you thinking about changing the emitter? Is it because of the donut, or is the tint objectionable? I don't think swapping the Lux is going to help with the donut.

BTW, how difficult was it to crack your's open? Was it a *major* PITA? I'd really like to get mine apart, but I don't wan't to gouge it up in the process. I heated the hell out of it, but it didn't help.

Any tips?
