Lets show your AA, 14500 flashlight
Here I have Jaxman e3 and convoy t6 🔦
View attachment 73101
Oh, lord...The titles of this thread has
flashlight, and it's not plural...
So... AA/14500 is kind of 90% of what I am interested in...so, MAYBE I'm a real outlier here, hahaha.
AA is life, Eneloop is life.
Headlamps (the best size of headlamps):
Acebeam H16
Skilhunt H150 (3000K and 4500K)
Zebralight H53FcN
Nitecore HA11
Nitecore HA23
Not pictured (Cause I recently gave it away: Manker E02 II, warm
For the flashlights...
2xAA (not my favorite format):
Nitecore MT20A
Nitecore MT2A Pro
Convoy T4 (4000K 519A)
Malkoff MD3 (M31L 219B)
Maglite Specturm
Surefire Scout M600AA-DSS (I have another one, but it's mounted on a rifle)
Ixon IQ Premium (4xAA)
Single AA (maybe the best light size, possible single AAA, too):
MD1.5 with M31W
MDC AA Neutral (SST-20 4000K)
MDC AA 4500K 519A
Manker E05 II 519A
Weltool T1 Pro
Skilhunt M150
Acebeam Tac AA 519A
Acebeam Tac AA 6500K mystery emitter
Convoy T6 SFT-40 3000K
Convory T6 SFT-25R 5000K
Peak El Capitan Warm
Convoy T5 5700K 519A
Convoy T5 SST-20 DR
Convoy T5 W1 Amber
Convoy T3 4000K 519A
Convoy T3 LH351D 3500K
Convoy T3 219B 4500K
Convoy T3 5000K 519A
Convoy T5 2700K 519A
Sofirn SP10 5000K
Nitecore LA10 CRI
Sofirn HS05 2700K
Sofirn HS05 4000K
Streamlight Protac
Not pictured:
2x Skilhunt E2A high CRI
Several Sofirn HS05's strewn around, mostly in 4000K and 5000K.
Not pictured (recently given away):
Sofirn SP10 4000K
Elzetta G-EDA-CC
Reylight LanApples
I also have a in-between sized collection of AAA lights; a few headlamps, and maybe half a dozen flashlights.
That all being said, if anyone has questions about an AA light, there's a decent chance it's passed through my hands at some point, hahahha. I think there are some that I've had and just...forgotten about as I've given them away over the years.
Despite all this, the only lights that have died/had issues in this format:
Maglite 2xAA (it shipped with alkalines, and I didn't realize it, so I didn't remove them, and they leaked...wrecking the insides)
Sofirn HS05 (dropped frequently...still sort of works, but only in moonlight. I think another one just outright died...?)
Zebralight H53FcN (UI was jacked up from the start, and I had to unscrew the tailcap after shutting it off to even get it to come back on, which progressed into it just mostly not working)
Nitecore MT20A (it's fine, but when it falls, it dents the ends of the Eneloops inside pretty badly)