Show your beat up light.

that light has been in my pocket 24/7 for the last 2 years...



This is a shot of a Mag Solitaire (1 AAA cell) that I carried on my keyring for about six years ago or so until I bought an Arc AAA Standard to replace it. Obviously, the HA2 anodizing is poor in this application, but at least the underlying aluminum stands up over time. I never replaced the bulb, but it's so seriously under-driven that I don't think you'd ever need to buy a new one. This is a *very* dim light. Mag really needs to address the replacement of this light in their lineup.

<edit>I've now replaced this and its successor, the Arc AAA with a Fenix L0D Q4 AAA-based LED. What a quantum jump in performance!!</edit>
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Nice thread going on here with some interesting and well seasoned flashlights pictured. :thumbsup:
Hello all. Here are my flashlights, one old and one new (as you might guess from the pictures). The clip is from metal and does not like to be in an alkali environment. I use it to peek into machines in our factory.


This is one of my semi everyday Flashlights. It was made by the Bond Company which is now the Winchester Company. This was made around 1950.


Don't judge a book by its cover is a great saying…


This shell houses the ROP low lamp set up. This Flashlight has everything needed in it already, steel reflector, glass lens and high amperage switch. Nothing was needed but to install the Pelican lamp and a 6AA to 2D battery pack.

I'll include a picture with this compared to a standard Mag 2D when I find it. There is a big size difference.

Here is the Bond ROP next to the Streamlight Excalibre 2D. I didn't find my Mag 2D but they're of equal size.


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man y'all bunch of sickos!!!
postin up pics of those poor worn out lights for others to gawk at....
tsk tsk :xyxgun:
Show your scars!

Inspired by the guy dropping his A2; let's see your lights and their scars.

NO TROPHY WIVES or SAFE QUEENS. If it sits unloved on a shelf somewhere twiddling its thumbs and reading Cosmo, I don't wanna see it.

Only well-loved, often used, purposeful illumination tools that love their jobs and aren't afraid to get their knurling dirty!

Here's my A2 to start us off
Re: Show your scars!

This thread is really what we need. Wish I could find my camera.
Re: Show your scars!

@Deranged Coder

Very impressed by your Gladius. Is the coating really bad or do you REALLY use it?
I have always been somewhat appalled of the fascination and demand for HAIII etc when it comes to "proffesional lights". I mean, it's supposed to be used, how long it looks new shouldnt be a factor. Or does HA-coating add anything more to the light except it not being scratched so easily? Well, of course, that's just my opinion.
Re: Show your scars!

I do not treat the Gladius to any particularly tough usage (I am a city dweller) but it has been sitting in my cargo pants pocket every day since I bought it over a year ago and I do not baby it at all.
Re: Show your scars!

wow that is won well used gladius. i wish i could have taken a picture of my old u2 believe me it got used and i did not baby it.
Re: Show your scars!

I don't know what It is about my L1 that I EDC but it gets dropped ALOT but doesn't seem to get scratched, but it's got scratches all around the tip of the bezel.

Re: Show your scars!

This side faces outward when the light sits in the holster. The other side is perfect.

And here's my P1, which hangs on a keyring on a Keyper:

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