Show Your Wilton Bullet Bench Vises


Sep 25, 2004
I've had the 1946 Vintage, 3 1/2" wide Model 835 Vise for about 5 years. I had to repaint it when I just got the newer 1956 Vintage Model 9400 Wilton and repainted it. Rustoleum Verde Green Hammered paint is what many think is the closest to original for these +60 year old vises. The 9400 just got new Hex swivel clamps, new serrated jaws and a new handle. She was also mounted with chrome acorn nuts. I'm probably not going to want to use it, it's so pretty.

The "newer" 9400

The 835 in the foreground, the 9400 in the background

I don't seem to be able to help myself. Now I have a 1967 Vintage 9450/4.5" jaw width on it's way to me. I'll probably sell off one of these after I determine which ones I like best.
Yeah, I think I bought my vise from harbor freight. it works.

Some of the HF stuff works out well for me. It's cheap and it works when the highest quality is not needed.
They both look really nice! I have a 1740 I'm cleaning up while I look for a 820.
I could not help myself. If a 4" Wilton Bullet is good, then a 4 1/2" Wilton Bullet must be better, right? I just got through finishing up the final details of a previously partially restored 1967 vintage Wilton 9450 - a 4 1/2" Bullet. And of course I used my favorite Rustoleum Verde Green to finish it off. New Kevin Scott Hex swivel clamps, serrated jaws and a light mill surfacing of the pock marked anvil. With regard to the spindle torque flange clearances, I had about .032" Radial clearance between the spindle flange O.D. and the dynamic Jaw bore O.D. so I cut some .010" Brass shim stock just long enough to make a complete circle in the dynamic jaw bore. I now have just enough clearance to barely see movement when I grab the spindle hub and try to move it back and forth/up and down. I also measured .038" end play in the spindle in/out directions. So I chucked up some 2" Brass stock and made a .025" shim/thrust washer to place on the inside of the dynamic jaw bore seat surface. I know these vises aren't precision machines but that much free play/wobble really bothered me. I now have only about 15 degrees of spindle radial movement before the jaw moves. I think I started with about 40 degrees of rotational movement.

If anyone here has one of these, I still have the machined barstock in the lathe if anyone wants to remove some of their excess end play. The OD is perfect an 8400 or 9450 (probably any 4 and 4.5" Wilton and others as well) but the ID might need a few thousandths sanding to fit over your particular spindle shaft. Just pay postage and a shim is yours. I have enough material for 2 or 3 people.



Top view sh freshly surfaced and polished anvil

Bar stock ready to cut

Strip of .010" Brass shim stock half way installed Radially

Fully installed

Side view showing shim stock and .025" thrust shim next to spindle flange
I found it very difficult to discern the size differences between the 3 sizes listed in the title by looking at pics of single vises for sale on Ebay and on this and other forums. Maybe this post will help someone else who might be looking to upsize. Note: The 9450 is currently sitting on a newer vintage, slightly taller swivel base which adds about .250" to it's height more than it should be.

The 1967 Vintage 4.5" 9450 on the left, the 1956 Vintage 4.0" 8400 HD in the center and the 1946 Vintage 3.5" 835 on the right.






Outstanding comparison photos. The 9450 looks great! Which is your favorite?
I like the raised letter logo of the 3.5 and 4.0 more so than the 4.5 but overall, like the "biggest one". It's a tad bit big for my bench, but I think I can live with it.....