Single 123 Light?


Sep 13, 2001
Anyone seen this?

Second one from the bottom


Looks like a expedition light because of the two tabs on the side, but I can't even find a way to buy it. I'm hoping it's a single 123 light.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by InTheDark:
Anyone seen this?

Second one from the bottom


Going by the perceived size in the photo that it uses a single AA sized lithium chloride (3.6v) Taidran computer memory battery. A single-LED version made by Tektite goes under the name Lithium Micra
I have a write-up of that one on my wbsite.

There is a "BUY" button on the website you found it on. Should be just below and to the right of the picture of the flashlight. Don't know where the button takes you though, as I did not try it.
I think you're right, it does look like it takes a AA. I tried the buy button, but it just takes me to some shopping site and I can't find the light on the site, but I don't think I'll be getting this one anyway, unless there's some way of fitting a 123 cell in there.