Single AA LED w/dimmer...nice product


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 30, 2001
Seems like the many posts on ARC AAA vs. Infinity (AA) end up in the same place.

The Infinity is really well built and uses the desireable single AA form factor (Cheap power, universal & lithium availability), but the ARC just really outshines it. come no one has built a light that is the best of both?

This would be...AA battery, with switchable output between really bright (ala ARC) or really long (ala Infinity).

I dunno, maybe the PAL light already does this (except uses 9V battery).
I think this has been brought up in the past. Gransee seems to want the light to be as small as possible, probably to go head to head with the Photon. I would personally prefer a AA version as well. I don't care that much about having a keychain light, and I like to run all my lights on the same batteries (AA). Dimming would be a nice feature, although the sun/mood mode is nice as well.
Both of the single 1.5v cell lights are much more efficient (which is the big deal w/ LED lighting, right?), and much smaller than the PAL, so I don't think it's a good comparison. Both the Arc & Infinity have places, I guess. I carry both in my pocket, but that might not be considered strange in these forums (grin).

You're just going to have to break down and get multiple lights... that's what the rest of us do -- part of the initiation cost for the LED light club, I guess. I'm considered a piker, 'cuz I don't have that many (mainly because I'm cheap) -- I've only got 16 or so... I keep losing count, as they're scattered all over.

I'd like to have a AA body available for the Arc, just for the added 4+ hours.
Yes, owning both (or more) is the best available now.

I've got:

Infinity Blue-Green for all around long use.
Photon II Red on my key chain for those brief spots of light every so often.
ARC AAA Turqoise for camping when I need something bright.'d be nice to have one that does it all...