SkyRC — IFA 2014 — MC3000 charger-analyzer

The thinking behind it is probably:
A lower charging current triggers a lower temperature rise at the end of charging and thus also a lower voltage drop (delta peak) of the battery.

If the delta peak value is set too high, it may not always be reached with a lower charging current (e.g. 0.3C). The charger then does not recognize that the battery is full and continues to charge.

Another thought is:
If the setting: 0.3C charging current and -0dV end-of-charge detection function reliably in order to reliably trigger the end-of-charge detection of the charger, that would be even gentler on the battery due to the lower heating of the battery.

The problem is just:
What usually works well with new batteries often no longer works with older batteries.

Edit: On the other hand, I am of the opinion that with the -0dV setting (if it works), even with somewhat higher charging currents of 0.5 - 0.7C, the heating of the battery remains even low.

The problem with -odV is, that the charger is often switched off much too early.
Moreover, lowering charge current and using 0dV you can charge worn batteries without issues.
upgraded the firmware. i didn't expect this, but this does a factory reset. good thing i made that mc3000 program maker or i'd be kind of pissed.

i wonder if it erased my calibration data. not that it really matters, honestly. it was pretty in spec when i did it. it was just fun to have it exactly matched to my bench instruments that are known to be in cal.

edit: according to the manual, fw upgrade resets programs and settings but does not remove user calibration data.
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I suppose you don't see any significant changes in the new release.....
Anyway if it makes a factory reset, it means we have to reinsert all the stored entries. Although I wrote down all settings, I think I will not update it, surely I will not update for some negligible changes.
That sounds like 0dV is the recommended universal setting.
As I said, if the batteries are in good, like-new condition, I'll be there.

The problem are older batteries. Even with high delta peak settings of 6mV and more, I had premature charging shutdowns with them. And often not just once during a charge.

For such cases I have not yet found a setting where the charger runs through with certainty until it is fully charged.

Even with my much more expensive RC charger, with which I can also set a reflex mode, old NiMh batteries sometimes switch off prematurely
0dV is indeed the recommended method for charge termination of NiMH cells. Most chargers use -dV just because it's easier (cheaper) to implement, but it overcharges NiMH.
I've been using 0dV on my MC3000 since day one and had only 2-3 false terminations for over 2 years, mostly with Eneloop Pro. You typically get 1.5-2 % lower charged capacity that way, but the end of charge temperature is quite a bit lower. Even older cells are fine at C/2 charging current.
The newest firmware version gives an unrealistically low value for the IR, this is the only change. I do not recommend to upgrade.
if you have programs and settings you want to preserve: probably no, don't bother

if you are already using the IR measurement feature and are already familiar with the IR values the old fw gives for your cells: no, don't bother

otherwise: sure, why not
if you have programs and settings you want to preserve: probably no, don't bother

if you are already using the IR measurement feature and are already familiar with the IR values the old fw gives for your cells: no, don't bother

otherwise: sure, why not
Thanks SYZYGY.
Would anyone happen to know if this unit is currently available directly from any established / respected U.S.-based distributor from stock (and preferably not through JB's site - although not a hard requirement)?

If I got one, I'd also prefer to not use its provided data interface(s), although I would like to have the ability to alter some very basic parameters / settings directly using the provided interface 'buttons' (as one does with other chargers such as my Opus, etc.), so any insight into what one can specifically alter using that method would also be helpful to knowl

Would anyone happen to know if this unit is currently available directly from any established / respected U.S.-based distributor from stock (and preferably not through JB's site - although not a hard requirement)?

If I got one, I'd also prefer to not use its provided data interface(s), although I would like to have the ability to alter some very basic parameters / settings directly using the provided interface 'buttons' (as one does with other chargers such as my Opus, etc.), so any insight into what one can specifically alter using that method would also be helpful to knowl


who's JB?

i bought mine here:

from this seller:

i did update the fw (which resets the unit to factory default btw) but configured mine completely via the buttons on the unit itself. i don't bother with the bluetooth or usb stuff.

Thanks much for the link(s) and your comments. Now I at least have one entry for my list of possible sources, and that sure beats zero! I may get more source leads, but will check back on this one to see if / when they get additional stock. It seems you might have bought the last one they had. Since your response is as yet the only one posted in this 280 page thread(!) would suggest that sources might be rather limited at this point.

The fact that you are able to do most (if not all) the basic 'required' setup using the front panel also gives me some assurance that I'd be able to do likewise, at least for the most part. I may not need to change much from default values in most cases, but it's good to know that it's possible, and as I understand it, most other more detailed parameters can be changed / set using the data interface(s) if eventually desired.

The fact that you did a FW update is probably a +/- thing. I'd like to think (or at least hope) that a product as mature as this one requires little in terms of 'bug fixes' by now, but such updates (hopefully) involve improvements / enhancements more than bug fixes. In either case, the '+' is that the product is still being somewhat supported by someone, which is good, and also somewhat unusual these days for a product of its 'maturity'.

Thanx again!
  • It seems you might have bought the last one they had.

no, i bought mine over a year ago.
you could try messaging the seller and asking when they might restock.

The fact that you are able to do most (if not all) the basic 'required' setup using the front panel also gives me some assurance that I'd be able to do likewise, at least for the most part. I may not need to change much from default values in most cases, but it's good to know that it's possible, and as I understand it, most other more detailed parameters can be changed / set using the data interface(s) if eventually desired.

again, there is no need to use the usb or bluetooth interfaces. every setting is exposed on the device UI. the device is fully featured, standalone device without using usb or bluetooth, and in fact i do not use them for a couple of reasons:
  • i've heard reports of bugs (profile settings not applying correctly)
  • it adds unnecessary complexity to the apparatus
i'd only consider using the usb interface... and that's only if i wanted a fancy charging graph if i were posting a review of a cell online or something. i think it can do fancy graphs? idk

The fact that you did a FW update is probably a +/- thing.

some of the updates may be useful. your device will probably already have the newest or second newest fw version. the second newest fw is good enough. i just updated mine for fun.

for info about the newest update, read starting from here

that's just a few posts above where we're talking.

i'm on the newest fw and have no problems with it. if you choose to update the fw, you should do so as a first step because it will erase all your settings and profiles. configure your device after updating.

in addition to the official user manual, you may find this helpful
no, i bought mine over a year ago.
you could try messaging the seller and asking when they might restock.

again, there is no need to use the usb or bluetooth interfaces. every setting is exposed on the device UI. the device is fully featured, standalone device without using usb or bluetooth, and in fact i do not use them for a couple of reasons:
  • i've heard reports of bugs (profile settings not applying correctly)
  • it adds unnecessary complexity to the apparatus
i'd only consider using the usb interface... and that's only if i wanted a fancy charging graph if i were posting a review of a cell online or something. i think it can do fancy graphs? idk

some of the updates may be useful. your device will probably already have the newest or second newest fw version. the second newest fw is good enough. i just updated mine for fun.

for info about the newest update, read starting from here

that's just a few posts above where we're talking.

i'm on the newest fw and have no problems with it. if you choose to update the fw, you should do so as a first step because it will erase all your settings and profiles. configure your device after updating.

in addition to the official user manual, you may find this helpful

Thank you very much for your post(s). It is very much appreciated!
PM w/ FYI to follow.
I am interested too. I have done some digging and have not found anything.
There have been some reports of IR numbers changing drastically from previous versions.
I am still on V1.15. I hesitate to upgrade without knowing more.
In a video review they told there is an improvement in bluetooth (I didn't understand how they can assert this), moreover the bluetooth MAC is now shown in the menu. Instead, no changes about the unrealistic IR low value found in release 1.17.
Then I will stay with 1.15, although I would like to get more information about the changes about bluetooth. Unfortunately at the moment it is quite unreliable.
I find incredible this kind of slovenliness of SkyRC that does not publish any firmware release notes.