SLR film camera help

Re: SLR film camera help

Check out the Canon T-90, you can still get them and they are awesome!! yes they use the Canon FD mount and you'll have to ..gasp--- focus yourself, This camera is still my fav, and I've used them all!!...
Re: SLR film camera help

If they'll let you at the camera shop, shoot a short roll of film in each camera. Take pictures under different lighting, but try to copy the shots with both/all cameras. You'll be able to see what each camera can do, find out how they handle for you, and get measurable results.

The cost of the film is better than the cost of buying the wrong camera.
Re: SLR film camera help

chmsam said:
If they'll let you at the camera shop, shoot a short roll of film in each camera. Take pictures under different lighting, but try to copy the shots with both/all cameras. You'll be able to see what each camera can do, find out how they handle for you, and get measurable results.

The cost of the film is better than the cost of buying the wrong camera.

[/ QUOTE ]
If you are going to do that, DON'T use print film...Use "slide" film, as most processing/printing now-a-days will "fix" bad/poor exposures automatically, and with "slide" film, what you shoot is what you get.
Re: SLR film camera help

Good point! I'm so used to slide film that I forgot to mention it.
Re: SLR film camera help

Deanster said:
eebowler - was the lens having trouble focusing due to low light, or was the camera's autofocus a little weak, and taking the lens through a full sweep to try to find a focus point? Or both?

[/ QUOTE ] Not too sure. All I know is that under 'relatively' low light the camera would not focus instantly. It would whine back and forth as the image went from one extreem to the other... Why I really decided to get rid of my camera was because one day while I was going through my usual suffering, a friend of mine with a basic Nikon asked me to take a picture. It pissed me off when as soon as I touched the shutter release, the camera focused... Ok fine, she had a smaller lens, but it shouldn't have been so easy... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif Mostly daylight photos and ones with the IR from the flash were taken with AF...

BTW bjn70 and LEDmodMan, thank you for the link to the elan IIe

Sniper, Deanster lamo! sorry to hear about your mishaps /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif I am hoping that never happens to me...

Glockman, chmsam thanks for the tip however, I doubt very much that it would be possible...

Canon seems to be the better choice for me especially since my last camera was canon. Is there anyone who can tell me the main differences between the elan II and elan 7?

EDIT: Crap! just realized that the elanII(e) uses one 2CR5 cell! These are about 4-5x more expensive than the CR123 cells (already $8US here). It wouldn't make sense going with this camera unless I am sure to get the BP- battery pack with it...
Re: SLR film camera help

There is a lot that goes into the autofocusing. I tried a Nikon N70 and N80 side by side, using the same lens on both. The N70 consistently focused more positively than the newer N80. This was inside a friend's living room, point the camera(s) at walls, vases, etc. I found that with contrasty subjects the N80 did OK but it had trouble with smooth walls. The N70 worked on everything. So sometimes in dim light you have to find an area of the subject to focus on, such as an edge. Then lock the focus, recompose your photo and shoot. I finally bought a couple of f2.8 zooms for my interior shooting and this helps a little bit also.
Re: SLR film camera help

I still use a Minolta Maxxum 7000. Best camera I've ever owned. I haven't had many. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif