Small diameter bore hone?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2007
Pretty basic... Any ideas where to find one or how to go about makeing one? I'm talking about a 14-16mm I.D. range.
Depending on the start ID, finish ID and material being bored... use an expanding reamer. I have used these successfully to hand-bore up to 18mm IDs in aluminum. (Much larger and friction will be a big issue.)
I just want to be able to fit high capacity NiMH AA's into a minimag body.
Ah, well its all good. I swapped the 3x5 Niteize into it and will use that other body for the NiMH.
Seems like I have seen a small hone for drum brake slave cylinders, but don't know if they are that small.

Yep, brake drum hone works well. Something like this. It goes down to 1/2" which is 12.7mm. So it should fit your needs. Available at most auto parts stores.

Another route that I've used, take a dremel and a flex shaft attachment and run a wire brush through the body. You'll have to remove and reinstall the minimag switch, but it's not that hard.
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