I had some small questions about the MRV which I'm sure people here 'll know how to answer.
Got mine from a proper dealer, not DX btw.
- Front O ring, how do you keep it from popping out after switching the reflector and tightening ?? Any recommended ways ? Grease it up, clean it, freeze it ?? Not tightening isn't really a good option No idea how they did it in the factory but I'm failing at it
- 'focus ring/adjustment' It mentions that on the DX site. I don't think there's really such a thing tho ? The only way I can think of is unscrewing the head partly form the chrome part, but that doesn't sound like a great idea, even if it seems to work ?
- 1st/2nd generation. There's been several mentions of an old and a new generation, how do you tell them apart? Can you use the serial number? Any distinct differences in the body? (don't think anodizing is a straight giveaway, sice there seems to be a lot of variations in it? Mine's Shiny black hal II ) Or just look at the serial number?
Mayby we could all post our serial numbers and compare to figure out the generations
Mine's MRVB0705A0165
I had some small questions about the MRV which I'm sure people here 'll know how to answer.
Got mine from a proper dealer, not DX btw.
- Front O ring, how do you keep it from popping out after switching the reflector and tightening ?? Any recommended ways ? Grease it up, clean it, freeze it ?? Not tightening isn't really a good option No idea how they did it in the factory but I'm failing at it
- 'focus ring/adjustment' It mentions that on the DX site. I don't think there's really such a thing tho ? The only way I can think of is unscrewing the head partly form the chrome part, but that doesn't sound like a great idea, even if it seems to work ?
- 1st/2nd generation. There's been several mentions of an old and a new generation, how do you tell them apart? Can you use the serial number? Any distinct differences in the body? (don't think anodizing is a straight giveaway, sice there seems to be a lot of variations in it? Mine's Shiny black hal II ) Or just look at the serial number?
Mayby we could all post our serial numbers and compare to figure out the generations
Mine's MRVB0705A0165