Smoke and Mirrors


Oct 21, 2007
I lent my P91 to a another squad member during raid practice in a shoothouse and I carried a my LED with a Cree Q5. The rooms were smoke filled and, upon watching the debriefing video, I noted a difference in the way the LED and the incan handled the smokey environment. The incan seemed to "cut" through the smoke better with less reflection.

I didn't know if it was a 9 volt to 6 volt thing, so I polled the other seven members to see what they were carrying. I knew where everyone was in the nine member stack, so I was able to see how their, respective LED/incans dealt with the smoke. Hands down incans created a lesser reflection in the smoke on the video.

Could be a reflector thing, too. I don't know . . . just another one of those weird, unqualifiable observations.

With all this said, I had no problem working in that environment with the LED and the role player hiding in the backroom closet literally recoiled physically when I hit him in the peepers with the Cree Q5 beam:crackup:
Incandescent light generally cuts through smoke/fog/etc better than LED. The only real exception that I've personally tried is the "recoil" LED design, which seems to be pretty close to the incandescent..