Sneak Peek at the Trek 6000 EX60


Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
Here is a sneak peek at the new 60-LED Tektite offering I'm nicknaming the Desparado Blaster.
It is (was) intended to be an underwater video light, but should do a rather impressive job on land too.


The new light comes in a Trek 6000 body, similar to the one shown above.


Picture of the business end. Note the 3mm LEDs used in some of the otherwise empty spaces that would occupy the rim.


Beam from the EX60 compared to the 7 LED Expedition.

The last two pictures are those that Scott took and asked me to post for him.
So here they are.

I made a mistake in labelling the beam picture... the one on the right should say "Expedition 300", not "Trek 300".
60 LEDs. Yikes! Now we're all gonna have "LED envy". If I was a psychiatrist I'd publish a paper on the subject.

Oddly enough, I have not been caught up in the multi LED craze. The most LEDs I have in a flashlight is two (Turtlelite II). My preference is for one, very bright light source. Can't wait 'til some of those new superbright LEDs find their way into flashlights.
That`s one heck of an impressive light- I can`t wait to see one for myself. I`m saving for one already. They could have squeezed a few more of them 3mm leds in the middle though couldn`t they?...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug:
Woah.... Allot-O-LEDs!


How much is this light suppose to go for $$$? Do you have one yet?

If anyone wants to share beem comparisons of the 60 LED, 19 and 7, that would be great

As you already found, $299.

I don't have one yet... with yet being the important word here.
I was supposed to be out of town this weekend attending an insulator show, but since I couldn't find a ride, I guess I'll be able to do some [more] work on my website.
Some of those Tektite lights are looking a bit lonely...
For $299 it looks real cheaply made. I would spend the $299 on a Surefire M6.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nonbox:
For $299 it looks real cheaply made. I would spend the $299 on a Surefire M6.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Okay two things here....

1. We seem to be talking apples and oranges. The TEK is suppose to be a dive light, especially for use with your video camera. The surefire is not either of these.

2. Your comment would hold much more water if you had owned either, rather than just comparing pictures. If you can't say something nice.......

C. If you've been following the posts, Scott@tek hooked up one of our poster's who got a really cheap light (not a TEK) on ebay.
That alone in my opinion carries very positive vibes for the product and more for the man behind the product.....
I e-mailed Scott and reserved one of these. However, I too have some reservations about build quality. On Craig's site he doesn't rate the durability that high.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Free:
I e-mailed Scott and reserved one of these. However, I too have some reservations about build quality. On Craig's site he doesn't rate the durability that high.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As you know, that rating system is still very new - less than a week old - so things are still being tweaked. And the flashlight itself is still being tested - this doesn't happen overnight, and final ratings can sometimes take awhile to actually become final.

The LED board in the EX60 would by its very design be more durable than the incandescent lamp & carrier in the current Trek 6000.

As far as I can determine, the damage from a very hard face-down impact was only to the batteries, as I could not find anything else wrong with the light.

I still have the head from the sample I whacked... let's take a closer look at it right here and now.

Well, as far as I can tell, there's nothing physically wrong with it. All of the metal is in place, and tugging & prying have found no looseness anywhere.
Assembling the flashlight... testing... nothing wrong here. Twist... light comes on. Back it off until it goes out, now the lever switch works - just like it says in the instruction sheet.

Not bad considering it had all those batteries slamming into the lamp base at 20 miles an hour... every battery had the positive button smooshed in.

The durability rating was an *initial* assessement, and like any of the ratings, is subject to change after my investigation is complete.
Is this the flashlight you were referring to a few weeks ago that would make everything else look pathetic?
nevermind, I just saw the rest of the 8x nightbuster thread which answers that in the affirmative.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jeebob:
Is this the flashlight you were referring to a few weeks ago that would make everything else look pathetic?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes - the LED version of it.
The incandescent version of the Trek 6000 is no pantywaste either.
Just for the record, All our lights are lifetime guaranteed. We get less than 1/2% return rate on all our product (not counting returns with dead batteries or bulbs)