So, has anyone tried the Microstar in a solitaire?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 27, 2003
I know the reflector would have to be removed or modded,
But i know it will fit, and light up ok on one 1AAA according to
one post a while back. anyone try it? if so what were your results?
Re: So, has anyone tried the Microstar in a solita

That post was mine I think. Sorry voodoogreg, I still haven't got around to modding the reflector yet!
Re: So, has anyone tried the Microstar in a solita

Yes I just put the TLE-10 MicroStar1 in my Solitare. The reflector will not screw back on because the hole in the reflector is too small. You can slide the reflector on without screwing it. This allows the light from the TLE-10 to be used by the reflector. Without the reflector cap on, the light is very white and does throw forward but not as much as with the reflector. The light is not quit as strong with only 1 AAA but it does make a bright little white light. We have the TLE-10 MicroStar1 in stock for $18.95each. at
Re: So, has anyone tried the Microstar in a solita

Thank you gentleman. LED replacement, do you mean "without screwing it" as in it will not go down flush with the body?
Or at all? not at all i don't know how it will be able to be turned off.
Also I am a bad judge of size when only seeing a picure, if the reflector is modded, reamed out like i do with my 5mm LED "easy mod" will clear the LED and screw down enough to activate the switch ? and in doing so, does the reflector contact anything on the PCB that could be damaged? (for me this is not too big a concern, i am pretty careful with how much i torque something down)

That's a nice price LR, i intend to get one next week, just so i can if just to experiment with it.

I just really want regulation as the DD easy mod goes down in power pretty quick, and i am sick of the short 12V batt/spring-spacer setup. I wonder if in fact it will only work with the reflector out, if painting the inside of the head in flat white or another color,(as i read here work's relatively well) i just want throw and brightness, even artifact filled. It's not like that small a
reflector will really do that much. I just want a soli that is bright as say a 26K LED. VDG
Re: So, has anyone tried the Microstar in a solita

I reamed out the reflector to a larger diameter hole for the led. The top cap now screws almost all the way down but not enough to turn it off. I think the PCB board is hitting the outer edge of the inside of the reflector and not allowing it to screw all the way down to turn off. I may be able to ream it a little more and maybe get it to turn off. I will try moding the reflector more tomarrow. I don't know if painting the inside white will help much. I now have some adjustment of the beam with the reflector.
Re: So, has anyone tried the Microstar in a solita

Hey LR, In developing my soli mods,I ran into this when i noticed the plasic lens was really cutting i bet a third of the light from getting out.
So what i did was remove the lens totally, and shim it with a 2nd o-ring inside the head cap so the reflector butt up on the ring's and push in the switch (shorten the distance of reflector and front lens lip)and turn off. work's like a charm, and since it's well protected, i don't see the need for the len's. so stacking two -three o-ring's should fix that.

I am also going to get my dremel back from my brother, and take a spare reflector and cut off the last few
MM's of the reflector that is flat(len's end)use it in place of the o-rings and effectively extend the reflector length, and acomplish the same thing and maybe get a better beam i nthe bargin.

Hell, the more talk about this the more I want to get a TLE-10 and build a real useable good runtime mod!

How quick can you ship one out? (indiana) PM me. VDG
Re: So, has anyone tried the Microstar in a solita

LED, as a dealer too, i would strongly urge terralux to consider a solitaire version. Face it, there half way there already, a tweek in the plugin to effect proper shutoff, and a tweek in the circuit to maximize it for 1XAAA, and they got it.

I see so many soli mod's here that it seem's like a winner. Add a dedicated reflector (as they do with many of there plugins anyway,) and even a better len's,,, glass or good grade of Polycarbonate.( in such a confined space, this is important, once i removed the len's it was night and day.)

A soli may not be an arc, but done right it will satisfy
many keychain light users. VDG
Re: So, has anyone tried the Microstar in a solita

I also ended up removing the lens on my Solitair too. Nice mod with the o rings! I can ship the TLE-10 today! Thanks