Sofirn no longer ships to Norway?

Everything has finally arrived. For all its numerous notifications and updates, I am overall NOT happy with the Aliexpress experience.

For one, I cannot find a complete receipt anywhere, showing the total sum paid and overview of the entire order.
To continue the comparison with Temu, this is something Temu sends immediately after placing an order.

But as for the lights themselves, I am very happy! The Wurkkos FC11C was a model I had been recommended a few times here, and even more often being recommended the Nichia 519A chip in general, as I have said I really like hCRI 4000K lights.


And I see now why the 519A is being recommended so frequently - the light from it is really good! But is it better than my dual-channel DW4 Nichia E21A 4500K/3500K mix? Oof, that is a hard choice...but I'd say they are pretty similar. The FC11C fills the role of a more throwy / narrower beam hCRI light than what I already own (Emisar K9.3, DT8K, DW4).

The Sofirn SP40 is meant to stay in the car, with a Molicel M35A cell - which I understand is very cold resillient. Been wanting a headlamp as a permanent car light for a while now. I figure that would be more useful overall than a handheld light.

The Sofirn BLF LT1...well, it's leagues in front of my Fenix CL30R lantern in about every aspect. It takes 4 cells over CL30R's 3 cells. It has a much better tint, it's hCRI, it's producing a much more even light, and it has a nicer paint colour. Only thing I would have list a negative on the LT1 is the tripod mount. The screw hole should be underneath instead of on the side.

The Sofirn SF16 is just meant as a spare. I already have one of those, and have already learned you don't use a proper UV-light in a bathroom without wanting to use gloves when entering that room from that moment on.

Both Acebeam Pokelit 2AA's, together with the Sofirn HS41, was handed over to a good friend of mine. And he was was very pleased with all of them. But neither of us liked the output levels on the Pokelits, with only 2 levels (25 Lumen and 600 Lumen). There should have been a mid-level, or reduced max because at 600 Lumen, the light got HOT(!) fast!
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