Solar Radio/flashlight gets an LED mod

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These Brinkmann LED lights are great parts lamps for mods , I had a cheap Sears solar/generator radio/flashlight for a couple years but it's pr lamp would suck down the internal NiCads real fast ... it was mod time !

I noticed it used two NiCad AA cells internally so I diced up a Brinkmann and robbed the lamp/reflector and driver circuit , hot glued it to the radio's circuit board edge and tossed out the original reflector and lamp holder.

Now I got an emergency radio that lights all night , I can finally run the radio and the lamp at the same time without killing the batteries !

I don't have a digital camera to show pictures but it was a snap to do .

These mods are becomming a habit . I can't buy or fabricate a complete LED driver circuit as cheap as the Brinkann's are .