McLux Turbo Head in HA-NAT using the Pelican Reflector. This head includes:
Custom Head
Pelican reflector
One o-ring
Mineral Glass
EN Plated ECan
PM Emitter Board
Luxeon and Converter Board are not included
The supply of these has dried up.
This is my one and only.
It will fit all of the Aleph powerpacks and Surefire Executive series Lights. It will make a wonderful home for that Special Luxeon that you have been saving. You dont want to miss out on this!
I dont remember what I paid for this, but I think $50 sounds fair.
Price includes Shipping to US addresses and payment by non CC Paypal.
Outside of USA add $2
CC Paypal add $2
McLux Turbo Head in HA-NAT using the Pelican Reflector. This head includes:
Custom Head
Pelican reflector
One o-ring
Mineral Glass
EN Plated ECan
PM Emitter Board
Luxeon and Converter Board are not included
The supply of these has dried up.
This is my one and only.
It will fit all of the Aleph powerpacks and Surefire Executive series Lights. It will make a wonderful home for that Special Luxeon that you have been saving. You dont want to miss out on this!
I dont remember what I paid for this, but I think $50 sounds fair.
Price includes Shipping to US addresses and payment by non CC Paypal.
Outside of USA add $2
CC Paypal add $2