Spare bulb for Thor


Feb 7, 2005
In preparation for Newbies "Thor boost board" (sigh) I'm wondering where I can buy a spare Philips H4 100w bulb like the one thats in it now. OR the Philips 130w bulb like is in the new Thor 15 mcp.
The bulb in the Thor is a 90/100watt H3 style bulb. I think there is another thread around that has a link to a place that sells them.
100w H3 in the baby thor, H4 100/90w in the daddy thor, H4 130/100 in the big daddy thor.
I'm willing to trade mine (less than 10 minutes on it before I modded to HID) for a few T binned LSIII's with nice white tint...
I have a 10 mcp thor bulb that I will never use.

mine has less than 10 minutes also

I also have a 130 watt h4 bulb

with less than 10 minutes on it
I have a pair of 100w bubs that were taken out of two Thors that I specifically bought to convert to HID. The bulbs probably have two or three minutes on them at most. If anyone is interested let me know and we can work something out.

