Spiderman Vs Venom game using lasers.


Mar 2, 2005
Fremont, CA
I just saw a game that uses lasers that is a contest between spiderman and venom.

The toy goes on a door.
You shoot a laser at a sensor at the top of the door. As the sensor detects the laser, it winds up the character until the character gets to the top. who ever gets to the top first wins. The laser that comes with the games are in the form a web shooters that the kids strap on.

Sort of cool.
hahaha if you shine a REAL laser at the toy you'll melt it. Bye bye spidy and venom.
luvlasers said:
hahaha if you shine a REAL laser at the toy you'll melt it. Bye bye spidy and venom.

So where do we get a REAL kilowatt laser?

Shine a 100-500mw greenie at a plastic toy and you'll slowly etch markings into it.
FNinjaP90 said:
So where do we get a REAL kilowatt laser?

Shine a 100-500mw greenie at a plastic toy and you'll slowly etch markings into it.

If you think about it, its a toy. The laser used should be less than 1mW. The sensor will built for use with a 1mW or less laser. Something like a 125mW will overload the sensor, possibly destroy it.

Images of melted and scorched toy spider men and venoms were not literal. The result of my warped imagination and sense of humor.
I've seen commercials for this toy numerous times this morning; smoke or fog and subdued lighting was used to make the pitifully weak red laser beams visible.

As luvlasers says above, the sensors on the part you hang on the door would very likely be destroyed by a higher power green laser. :shakehead:
nah, get the laser tank game where the losing player gets a mild shock through the controller ^_^
haha knew some one here would nto be able to resist.

How about some pics before and after you melt it to slag.