Split ring tip for e1e and e2e clips


Jun 13, 2002
Austin, TX
Don't know if anyone else has had as hard a timeas I have finding a split ring key ring small enough to fit an e1e or e2e clip. Finally found a good source for tiny split rings and wanted to pass it along.

There is a local bead shop here in Austin TX that sells supplies for people who string beads and make jewelry (now there's a strange hobby
). In the bead and jewelry world, they use some very small split rings, ranging from 3mm dia up to 8mm, in steel, gold plated, and sterling silver. The 5, 6, and 7 mm rings are perfect fits for the "hole" in the surefire e1/2e clip. I used one of those, then a larger one, and now I can clip my Surefire e-lights to a carabiner or a lanyard.

They also sell a neat little tool for spreading the split rings. You wouldn't think it was necessary, but at that small a size, it really came in handy. I did see a few places online that sell these rings, but I'm too lazy to look up the URLs again. Just search on jewelry and split rings.

Since the rings are cheap, and the minimum orders online tend to be high, if I see enough interest in this thread, I will buy a bunch and mail them out for cost, postage, plus a wee bit more.

Have you ever tried sporting goods stores and looked in fishing supplies? Some of the lures use really small split rings [used to buy them and spinners when I had a kite hobby]. One thing you can be sure of....they won't rust!

Dan, where were you when I needed you?
You can bet I will check out Academy Sports and Outdoors tomorrow. Its the local sporting goods store, with a huge fishing section.
Hi guys,
There was a thread a couple of weeks ago about split rings. I too have found a small split ring to larger split ring to clip is very useful. I have a KL1/E1E hanging from my Levis belt loop into my front pocket as I type this.
The split ring pliers do come in handy!

- Don