SS 2003 Attendees please... (SC2)


Mar 28, 2001
Will one of you lucky people find out if the new SC2 is available and if not, when. Any word on availability of the SC3 and whether it's a 3 or 4 battery configuration would be appreciated.
Re: SS 2003 Attendees please...

What is the new SC2 supposed to be like? Thanks.
Re: SS 2003 Attendees please...

Big enough to hold the larger MN TurboHead lamps.

Unless you have old and new side-by-side you may not be able to tell them apart.

The SC2 was first made for the MN10/MN11 I think.

Re: SS 2003 Attendees please...

Also, Can someone ask about the likelyhood of an L2 in the future?
Re: SS 2003 Attendees please...


If you mean a two cell version of the L1, then my advice is that you shouldn't be holding your breath.
If you mean a version of the E2e+KL4 as the L1 is to the E1e+KL1 then I can not comment.

You should note that KLx are likely to be released before any dedicated models if trends continue. The fact that no dedicated models are in SureFire's 2003 Illumination Catalogue suggest that they are concentrating on bringing their current users up to date.

Re: SS 2003 Attendees please...

I have a feeling that SF will start in with the 5 watt LS instead of working on the L2, just a guess on my part though. Maybe a 5w LS with 2 cells?
Re: SS 2003 Attendees please...

This is very interesting indeed since the L2 seems to be a straightforward extension of the L1. If it is not made available then I would be very interested in why not. I am sure there is a very good reason for it.

Please keep us informed on what tidbits are thrown you way.

Re: SS 2003 Attendees please...


Did you remember to ask pk about the SC3 and the redesigned SC2?
Re: SS 2003 Attendees please...

The SC1 & SC2 have both been upgraded and SureFire has stock. The best way to be certain is to buy through SureFire Customer Service so that they understand why you need to have the latest versions.

SC3? That's not for me to comment on. Sorry.

Re: SS 2003 Attendees please...

Good reporting so far. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif

I wouldn't ask you to violate any NDAs but you could perhaps say something about items that were in public view. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif Or things under the table that someone forgot to put out for public consumption. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Those nifty SCs that are going to the Oscar folks are pretty neat. Any idea when these things might be available, if you had to venture a guess. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowlaugh.gif
Re: SS 2003 Attendees please...

AFAIK, the SureFire President's Selection Gift Set (Gift Set A) is available now.


Link to SureFire's page for it.

I don't know whether these SCs will ever be sold on their own.
