I have a ultrafire for sale that has an older zled in it. It's mounted on a star. IIRC they are soldered on, one could reflow it off, and reflow a p4 on...
Can anyone tell me if the die sits a bit higher in the SSC P4 over a cree? Therefore requiring less mods to raise/sand the sink/reflector?
I've modded a couple of lights with crees but they could all doing with a bit taking off of the reflector to get a better focus....but I may just swap them out for a SSC P4 as I don't like the cree ring anyway.
.03" isn't that much of a mod compared to the Cree. You don't even have to attack the reflector if the reflector goes over the body of the led like the IMS27mm, Aleph 1, 3, etc reflectors. Just raise the emitter itself then.