Step-up in Cyclops Lighting solutions headlamp?(looks exactly the same as SL trident)


Aug 4, 2001
i opened this baby up and found more than just resistors in there. I saw a capacitor, a black rectangular bar lookin thingie not an inductor (dunno, IC maybe), and some other stuff. isn't this a step up? also, i put a dummy battery into the case, a nichia white led where the krypton bi-pin bulb should have been, and tried it. the 3 led's at the top would light, but not the single led where the incandescent bulb should've been. yes, i know i hooked up the led with the correct sides because i tried it without a dummy battery and it worked. Why put a step-up into a light which already has 4.5 volts? someone with a trident please open theirs up and see? you have to remove the reflector cup and led housing and unscrew the two screws. this is assuming, though, that the cyclops lighting solutions headlamp is the exact same as the stremlight Trident. looked at pictures of the trident, and the funny little design on the battery case cap is the exact same. if someone else who knows about circuits has the cyclops light, please try also.
Re: Step-up in Cyclops Lighting solutions headlamp?(looks exactly the same as SL trident)

Re: Step-up in Cyclops Lighting solutions headlamp?(looks exactly the same as SL trident)

I bought one of these over at WalMart last week. The price sticker on the rack said $18.97, but it rang up as $12.88, so the price was quite decent. The reason I picked it up is that I've been working on designing a mining / caving headlamp of my own that is similar in concept except using about an 8 -10 watt Halogen and 3 to 5 Nichias.

Didn't really examine it very closely or do any tests or even LUX measurements. (until now)- just played with it for a few minutes, and was not at all impressed with the light output.

I noticed then that an ARC AAA is brighter than the 3 LEDs in this jobbie, and the halogen isn't much brighter. I thought the light was was interestingly designed, but lousy performance.

Here are peak Lux readings - the first figure is from 1 meter / the second is with light in contact with meter sensor:

3 LEDs: 16 / 8,100 LUX
HALOGEN: 32 / 21,500 LUX (tightest focus)
ARC AAA: 21 / 17,100 LUX

Didn't open it up all the way 'til I saw this thread this morning, so I had no idea it had a circuit in it. I assumed that it was just resistored down a bit.

I'm not enough of an circuit guy to tell you what the circuit does just by looking at it, but from the meter readings, I'm assuming that it is primarily a step-down regulator rather than a step-up switcher.

Meter readings:
4.52V on batteries (No Load)

Halogen bulb contacts: No load = 4.40V
Load 3.8V @ 280ma

LED CONTACTS: 3.43V under load; Couldn't measure individual LED current draws or total draw on the LED output side of circuit, without de-soldering. I got a measurement of 90ma current draw from the batteries with the LEDS on.

The circuit also appears to be some sort of latching relay too: if you take the battery cap off while either the LEDs OR the incandescent bulb is turned on, you have to press the switch again after the cap is replaced, or the circuit is otherwise completed.

That's about all I can tell you for now.