Still no 2005 Surefire Catalouge


Newly Enlightened
Nov 30, 2003
Just got off the phone with a lady at surefire.
Still no 2005 catalouge and she said she didnt know when
they'd have any. Did anyone see any at the surefire booth at Shot show. Are they lying to me or is this woman just not informed? I need a new surefire catalouge. Im going through withdrawl /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif

I recall there were two at the show, one for illumination products and one for military products. I think the military one showed some details on all the lights, including the E1L and E2OL or whatever they are called, but focused more on weaponlights, the supressor and knives. They open on the short edge, rather than like books or magazines or last year's catalog, where the spine is the long side.

They also were giving away copies of that SF sponsored magazine you get when you order directly from Surefire, a new edition compared to the one sent with orders last year. I guess those were done with Guns & Ammo, perhaps. And I saw some snag copies of the SF 2005 calendar, but didn't get one myself.

Sorry pyro, to fuel your withdrawal,
Knives as in more than one? So tell daloosh, did you see a different offering from there edged weapons division?

hey rgc, welcome to CPF and why dontcha stay awhile!

sorry, I don't have the catalog at hand, and my memory's a bit fuzzy, but at SHOT, I looked at three knives.

The Alpha is the one out already.

The Bravo is a kerambit-styled knife that you can stab with fist forward (instead of fist pointing down). It has a hole for the index finger and a protruding point coming out the bottom of the fist for impact use.

And the Delta is a smooth, smaller framelock with a flipper lever that reminded me of the flipper on a Carson M-16. It also has both a thumbstud and a Spyderco-like hole for opening.

I don't remember seeing a Charlie at the booth, but saw a picture of one that reminded me of the sheepsfoot griptilian. It may have had the flipper that the Delta does, I can't remember.

May be way off base, tho, there was too much to see in a short period of time...

welcome again,
There is a 2005 Illumination Tools Catalog and a 2005 Tactical Products Catalog.

It is perfectly understandable that SureFire do not have any to post out right now since I believe the catalogs were sent directly to the SHOT Show from the printers, and are likely to be either being shipped back to SureFire at the moment or perhaps they are moving with the booth. The point is that it may take another print run or a wait until they arrive back at SureFire before they have any they can post out.

daloosh thanks for giving me a little insight into what was there. From the link that Mark2 posted your memory is pretty darn good. I keeping looking at the Bravo . . . you wouldn't have come across a release date or price?

Mark2, I have no idea how you got that link but thank you. Just today I was at the surefire site looking to see if they had any new knives as I have only seen the Alpha. Mr. Ryan has been busy.

I picked up a few at the show for the friends back home. They put my luggage a few pounds over the limit and the airline charged me a $25.00 overweight charge!
I did the same MrMom, and I was 10lbs over at the checkin counter. So there I was, dragging gun magazines and catalogs and the Surefire ones out of my suitcase and carrying them by hand onto the plane. The weight limit was 50lbs, they let me get by with 51.

rgc, yer welcome, I did look at and handle the knives, but didn't go so far as ask about timing or price. There are so many great knife manufacturers out there that I'm not sure the SFs will distinguish themselves at this time.

I suspect it's the beginning of a major concerted push into tactical knives for them, so they'll probably be in it for the long run. Right now, for me, the offerings are a curiosity from a torch manufacturer I respect a lot, but I'll be watching...
