Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners' gathering


Apr 4, 2002
Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

I was wondering if this is a good idea. I think most of us are flashlight fanatics, so how about us gathering together and show each other our flashlights, their beams, interesting stories, etc. Aren't we all
dying to see as many different flashnights
as we can in one night? I'll organize one for SanFrancisco Bay Area, and perhaps others can organize similar gatherings in other spots around the country.
We should bring our favorite flashlights, compare our beams, etc. and basically getting to see other flashlights and having a good time.

I'm proposing next Saturday (April 13th)

What prompted this was I recently acquired a Stinger HP and I was wondering how it compares to the M3/M3T in terms of light/beam. It would be great to gather some fanatics like us together and just share our flashlight capabilities, stories, etc.


- Lukas
Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

This type of thing has worked for other forums ( but I wonder how many bay areans are on CPF besides me, you and a few others?

Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

Bay Area Roll Call
Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

Great idea, I would like to come but unfortunately i do not live near that area
Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

I doubt I could make it over.

Perhaps UK Flashaholics could meet in a dark location?

Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

Size 15s

I second that motion
Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

That makes four of us in the SF bay area.
Keep them coming. If we hit 8, we should
definitely do it.

I've already scouted out a place by the Embarcaderro in SF that's good for this.
Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

...LL, where were you thinking on the Embarcadero?

Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

Embacaderro - in front of the ferry terminal (where Market st meets embacaderro).
The ferry terminal is under renovation and there's no one there at night. Also, they have built a long wooden wall surrounding parts of the builing. The whole area has lots of possibilities and hardly anyone there at night. Also, i figure it's a good spot because all the public transportation stops at Embacaderro/Market St.

Dano, which lights do you have?
Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

That area attracts alot of the criminal element (I've chased a few people out of there...)Anyways, I should make a list of the stuff I have:

A few maglites, Mag charger
Streamlight: SL-20x (with 35X bulb), Stinger XT-HP, My duty lights:Ultrastinger, and a regular Stinger with a red tip off lens, Scorpion
SF: 6P, 6C, G2, 3P, D3, SRD3 turbohead, E1 and a couple E2's
Misc: Surge, Blast, Rage, TACM, ASP Taclite, UK-2L, Legend LX, Brinkmann Rebel, original Kel-Lite, PT Black Knight...

I guess that's about it...

Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

I sent you a couple of email, but I'm not sure if you got them. Anyway, I'm very, very interested in getting to see your flashlights, particularly the SureFires
(D3 and SRD3 turbo). Can you tell me how
the beam of the D3 compares with the Stinger HP? I find the hot-spot of the StingerHP to be very bright, but the area surrounding the hot-spot to be lame. Does the D3 have a bigger diameter beam? ALso, how's the range of the SRD3 compared to the StingerHP?

I suppose the gathering i proposed for this Sat (april 13th) is off since we only have a handful. Maybe another time....

Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

Anybody in Central Arkansas wanna get together? I can bring a Surefire 6p, E2E - Brinkan legend LX, streamlight stinger, stinger XTHP, 2,3,6 d cell mags, 2aa mags, 1aaa mag, brinkman reble LED, photon LED, stylus LED and whatever else I can find.
Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

Home: San Mateo, Work: SF

SF: 3P, 3P/Z32-Glock 17, E1, E2e-HA/TID, 6P, 6Z, 6Z/Z32, 6Z/Z32-AR15, 6Z/Z32-Rem 1187 Police, 9AN, 9AN-HA/FM34, M3T/Z48, M6
Luxeon: Arc LS, Lambda Ill Pill

Don't think I can bring the "ballistically-enhanced" SureFires though!
Re: Stinger HP vs M3 / Flashlight owners\' gathering

Man.. gathering of the flashers..... make sure police don't mistake you guys as some pipe bomb makers or torch light bombers.... *grinz*