Storm Checkin

There's a big storm in Penn/NY right now. Hope you're all OK.
Stay off the roads until they clear this up. Stay safe ppl!
I'm in the great Pacific NorthWET. Here on the Skagit, we expect power outages and occasional winter floods, and are prepared. We were surprised when the recent "bomb cyclone" storm (who dreams up these goofy names?) didn't even take out power in our part of eastern Skagit County, but really hammered the I-5 corridor.

Storms come and go. I was in Edmonds for the Columbus Day 1962 storm. I remember the quakes of 1965 and 2001. One of these days, a big one will hit. But we are well sited here, and we are prepared.
I just saw the message from Mr. Ed. Sorry for the late response. I am not in the North East but do have friends and family that are. They are all good, Thank you for asking.
Just saw the message as well. Too much going on! Milton made life inconvenient (no power) here in Orlando for about 48 hours, maybe a little longer. Really wanting to pull the trigger on a generator purchase.

Compared to what others had to deal with, I can't complain! Thanks for checking in.
I got good at backfeeding generators and playing with the bofangs.

Favorite quote "the volunteers all have a bofang on one hip and a pistol on the other"

Thanks for checking in. They are still asking for propane and shelter down there.
I've cycled through several hurricains. Before that I hit 80mph winds in south dakota and Utah.